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animal planet...cairn terriers


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Made a note of it on my calender a few weeks ago... 11/14...9:00 animal planet is doing a terrier show, spotlight Cairn terriers. I got so excited for the show. Told my girls if they're good they can watch it with me.

Well, here it is almost 9:00 and guess what......it was on at 9:00 IN THE MORNING!!! I'm so bummed, sad, disappointed and mad at myself because I'm such a dummy. :cry:

Just hope it's on again sometime soon.

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You can order it from the DiscoveryStore online -- do a search on their website on "Breed All About It". It's $14.95 + s/h for a VHS of the program.

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KayHarley, I don't feel as bad now. I did the same thing, put it on my calendar, made sure I was going to be home, but I thought it was on at 9am MY TIME. It came on at 8am here and I totally missed it. I guess I'll order the tape. <sigh>


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Shoot! I forgot ALL about it!!!!!!!!!!!! And I was home sick all day yesterday and had plenty of time to see it.....arg!!!!!!!! :(

I want to order the tape too. Is is all about Cairns? How long is the tape? Maybe Santa will have to bring it for Christmas!

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