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Scruffy's Pics

Guest crisemm

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What a cutie! I absolutely LOVE that last picture with his "arm" up on the arm of the chair. Just relaxing and hanging out! Thanks for sharing those, I loved seeing them.

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Scruffy sure is a cute! I, also, loved the pictures of him on the sofa....too cute! It's like he was saying "I have a few things to say here, please listen carefully".

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Guest crisemm

Well, Scruffy's going to be 1 yr old this Dec 01.. and yes, he's such a cutie.. we were actually to have a party with my friends pooches..

my husband thinks we're spoiling him too much.. lol.. but i don't thing we exagerate too much when giving to much attention.. besides, he's our baby right now.. and how can u say "no" to a very loving dog.. i'm sure u guys feel the same way.. =)

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