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I suppose I shall post some pictures of my dog. Her name is Chia. She is currently 7 years old. She is only part Cairn terrier, but she has a total cairn attitude and looks very much like the breed.


(Warning, photos are quite big when enlarged, to x out if you zoom in on them, just scroll to the bottom right)



Caught a picture of her once in mid-jump asking to be let inside



And here is a picture of her hoping to get a bit of food from the family dinner.



She has quite the personality. You can always tell what she's thinking by her expressive barks and whines. And she loves to play with rocks.

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Hiya and welcome to you and Chia!  She is very pretty. That Cairn attitude does tend to take over, no matter the mix!  Looking forward to reading your posts. :)

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welcome. How could anyone hold having a mix against anyone. When you rescue a dog it makes you a special person!Much information on this site and lot of friendly people  Again welcome!

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Chia looks all Cairn to me and the "plays with rocks" is another clear sign of Cairnishness--our oldest Cairn is a rock fanatic.  Welcome, we look forward to your sharing Chia stories with us.

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Thank you everyone :)


Yeah, she likes to nudge rocks all around the yard with her nose. And she'll throw them with her mouth and chase them. She also will take them up to the fence, toss it through, then drag it back with her paw, over and over. This is pretty much all she does when she is outside. She's super obsessed with rocks.


When we got her, they did not know for sure her breed, but told us they believe she is most likely cairn terrier and yorkie. Just based on other pictures of cairns I have seen, Chia's fur seems longer, a bit softer, and her body seems not quite as stocky. But otherwise, she strikes me as very much a cairn.

Edited by Lillipup
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A word of caution about the rock obsession--as I mentioned our older Cairn has the same problem with them and at ten years old has worn her upper and lower canine teeth down to almost half size.  We have never been able to completely keep her from digging rocks up and chewing on them but we have cut it way back when we are present when she does it.  You might want to follow suit with Chia--I'm sure our Sammi will eventually have to have those canines surgically removed and I wish we had been more vigilant in the past with her rock fascination.

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Oh wow. Thanks for the word of caution. Chia tends to throw them around rather than actually chew on them at least. So far the vet hasn't seem concerned about her teeth at all, and she's 7 years old, so there's been lots of time for her teeth to have been damaged. But I'll be sure to tell my parents to keep an eye on her teeth and maybe bring it up the next time she goes to the vet.

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I just found and edited a photo of Sammi I took a couple of years ago that clearly shows the degradation of the lower canine tooth--all of them are about the same--so this is where you might be headed with Chia's rock obsession.



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Lucy and Ivy always welcome another girl into the group. She is a cutie-looks like a cairn. Maybe she is a cross with a Yorkie which would give her the longer hair.

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She always sticks her feet out like this when she lays down on the floor.





Lucy and Ivy always welcome another girl into the group. She is a cutie-looks like a cairn. Maybe she is a cross with a Yorkie which would give her the longer hair.


Yeah the place we got her from told us they think (though weren't sure) she was part cairn and part yorkie, so that is most likely the case. I personally believe one of her parents was full cairn and the other was half cairn half yorkie, which is why she still looks so very cairn.

Edited by Lillipup
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Chia is a beautiful gal!  I looks like she has more cairn in her than my Elsie does.  I do love the frog - can't get much more relaxed on your tummy. :)  Great pics!

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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Because on a few occasions the fire alarm went off when we were using the stove (just from the steam/smoke from the food, not a fire), whenever Chia sees someone using the stove, she hides behind the couch in the living room.



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Those high pitched smoke/fire/CO2 alarms can be terrifying to dogs--especially when they are unexpected.  Imagine what that sounds like to a dog that has really acute hearing ability!  I have no easy solution/suggestion but I do know that we had quit taking our Sammi to Mother In Law's house because of a security alarm on her door--once the dog was hit with that the first time, she never relaxed in the home, she wandered around and panted heavily the entire time she was in the place.

Be prepared to have Chia exhibit that fear for some time--personally, I would disarm the smoke alarm in the kitchen (the one alarm in the house that is activated most often) because every time it sounds it will merely reinforce her fear, or, I would try to find an alarm that didn't have the high pitched sound--if they exist. 

Edited by Idaho Cairns
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  • 2 weeks later...

Every time I see that cute face I hum the Chia Pet theme song. Thanks for sharing the pictures!

"as far as i am concerned cairns are the original spirit from which all terriers spring, and all terriers are cairns very deep down inside." pkcrossley

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The other day I was sitting in the tv room with Chia and a chia pet commercial came on. Everytime they said "ch ch ch chia!", her ears perked up and she turned to face the tv.

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