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Angus tries to be a bird dog


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I've owned owned bird dogs. I know what they do. Now I own Angus, a cairn terrier. Good at hunting in the brush and culverts and able (finally) to catch a vole. 


This is the time of year hunters are out with their dogs after pheasant and grouse. Down in the brush by the lake Angus put up a ruffed grouse. Clatter, clatter went the wings as it took off. Angus took off too. Grouse fly very low.He raced along the edge of the lake which is down some right now leaving a little beach. Running and leaping high over various obstacles. I could see he was thinking he'd cut it off at the corner.

In the meantime the grouse dropped into the brush and hid. Angus came tearing back but too late........I have never seen him run at that lightening speed and leap so high. He was a picture so wish I could have videod it.


Poor guy he doesn't know what the pointers and retrievers know - put up the bird and wait till someone shoots it- then go get it at a easy run. No need to turn into a frenzied maniac!



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I'll bet Angus catches one someday with out the use of a gun. Kelly almost caught a crow, while on leash a couple weeks ago. Had I not been sick and sneezed she would have got it. I got the stink eye big time for that.

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that is so interesting because that is the exact dividing point between terriers and gun dogs. by now it is bred in for hundreds of years. the gun dogs do indeed consider it natural to follow the master's commands and scare up the grouse and then wait for the guns to blast. terriers were bred to do it all on their own. the idea that they are just a flunky outing the birds for somebody else to blast would never cross their minds. they do it all themselves or with a few terrier buddies. naturally, they are supposed to go after ground vermin and grain thieves, not flying prey. angus must be wondering what kind of tricks he can use to get those winged vermin. he might think of something.

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Isn't it interesting to see new talents emerge as a dog grows up?  That must have been quite a sight, watching Angus going after the grouse.  Way to go, Angus!

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Kirby definitely is a bird dog. He is always looking up in the air for birds and is constantly chasing the ducks in our beach. And yes, he's caught one by the tail feathers but it got away. Packy caught a bird off-guard on the ground and got it, so they can be fast enough if they surprise those birds. Keep trying, Angus!

Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 
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Elsie is quite the little hunter and quick as they come.  I hope Angus comes up with a bird some day, maybe you could shoot one and lay it some where for Angus to find. :)  Oh, he would be so proud.

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Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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"Frenzied maniac is what they do best". Mine always manage to go berserk when they see a critter outside and I am on the phone. I have to run and leave the room just so I could hear the person on the other end of the phone.

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Man Angus you always have all the off leash adventures. My mommy won't let me off leash except at the dog park. I also hate water; we could run away to some place dry together. Keep exploring the world and telling me about it! Love, Addie

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"as far as i am concerned cairns are the original spirit from which all terriers spring, and all terriers are cairns very deep down inside." pkcrossley

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  • 7 years later...

My cairn Henry somehow caught a bird in my back yard. He was curious about it after it was down, but nothing more. Poor bird, all the other birds were flying about and chattering, but the bird can't take flight, yet. I hope he recovers.

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