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Rescue Cairns


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I have been looking for a Cairn puppy for a couple of months with no luck. The breeder I have been in contact with has now put me in contact with a rescue organization that has two Cairns, both neutered males between 18 mo. and 2 years old. Their owner was an elderly man who died. We don't know the breeder or background of these dogs. They seem healthy and well behaved. There are definitely pros and cons of taking a rescue dog and I would like to have the input of anyone who has taken a rescue.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

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Hi - we have a rescue Cairn. She is just the best little doggy in the world. She has worked out very well! I also have two small children ages 4 & 8 and they have bonded beautifully! We couldn't be happier with our decision!!! This is my second rescue dog and both have been the best dogs I have ever owned! My experience with rescue dogs is an unbelievable loyalty - surpassing the normal dog loyalty. I don't know how to explain it. There is a special bond that develops that only people with rescue dogs can understand. If the dogs are well behaved - I wouldn't be too afraid. They may need to get used to you but it shouldn't take that long! Hope this helps!

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I have been looking for a Cairn puppy for a couple of months with no luck.  The breeder I have been in contact with has now put me in contact with a rescue organization that has two Cairns, both neutered males between 18 mo. and 2 years old.  Their owner was an elderly man who died.  We don't know the breeder or background of these dogs.  They seem healthy and well behaved.  There are definitely pros and cons of taking a rescue dog and I would like to have the input of anyone who has taken a rescue. 

Looking forward to hearing from you.


We have a rescue Cairn who is an absolute delight. We got her when she was 8 months old and now she is 2 yrs. She brings us so much joy, we can hardly believe we got along without her. She is a bright, cheerful little dog, so willing to please. She is friendly with other dogs and is best friends with our cat. She is a wonderful guard dog, always alerting us to strange sounds. People are amazed when they learn she was a rescue dog. We are the lucky ones, to have found her. I highly recommend a rescue cairn.

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We had looked into rescues before we got Scully but there wasn't anything near us. One question I had was the ones I was reading about all seem to be insurmountable "issues" for lack of a better word. Have you found that the rescue people are pretty honest about what problems the dog might have? That was one thing I was concerned about. I wasn't sure if rescues are mainly dogs that someone couldn't handle because of behavior, etc.

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Behavior issues and potential unknown health issues (as a result of not knowing the background) were/are my major concerns. The organization offers a 2 week trial period and that makes me feel better. There is a third dog that is also available, a 6 mo. old male, but he sounds like he has definite behavior issues so I think one of the 2 older dogs would be a better match for my family. I am not sure my 12 year old would be able to be strict enough with the puppy to overcome the bad habits he has already developed. We've filled out our app and are awaiting a reply.

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