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A second pup?


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I have a 4 month old Cairn male puppy named Rudy. My family and I absolutely adore him. He loves, loves other people and dogs. I would like to get a second pup. A Cairn or a Westie female. One friend told me that our Cairn would be less likely to bond with us if we got another puppy. Is this something I should wait on? I notice that many of you have more than one dog and I was looking for advice. Thanks.

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Two is a great number in my prejudiced opinion. I might suggest waiting until Rudy is a year or two old though, so that you will have the time and energy to devote to a new pup. Rudy will be a puppy in many ways until about that age, even if he starts to look pretty mature. At only 4 months you still have his adolecence ahead of you and that brings some challenges you may need all your patience for.

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We waited until Scout was 2 before we adopted again. I can't say if it will be harder having two puppies, since I haven't experienced that. I don't think that the bond will be less if you have two puppies. You will just have two puppies on your lap, all the time, instead of one!

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