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Scull's New "Do"


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I finally figured out how to use the digital camera and to download the pics. Now that it's taken me all night, I only have the one picture up right now.

This is after being groomed today.


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Special Agent Brad, you are correct! Agent Scully is a she, and her dad hates the bow on her head. Usually they stick them on either side of their butts - he's not happy with those either.

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Does scully love laying on that afghan? We have two afghans like that, one folded up on each couch. That's Bella's favorite sleeping spot when mom and dad are on the couches.

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Skully is a spitting image of Maggie!! She gets a short haircut too. Chris makes them put a bandana on her neck instead of a bow. It would be off in seconds anyway. She is so pretty!

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Scully loves the comfy life - afghans, pillows, whatever. She particularly likes to climb up on top of loose pillows and make herself at home.

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Scully is a beautiful girl, bow and all! Duffy loves his afghans too, in fact my Mother who loves to crochet, actually made him his own.


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Thanks for the compliments! My other Cairn would have the bows out of her fur by the time we hit the pavement from the groomers. I came home today and it's <i> still </i> in the top of her head. I took some pictures of her with the Hallmark singing thing last night but I have to resize them. I'm glad I was able to share some pictures with you all. Now maybe she won't feel like an unloved, neglected orphan dog. :cry:

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Guest posting as: Darcys mom

Scully is certainly a bearty all gussied up. Is she clipped with clippers? She looks really great.

I guess all dogs love soft things to lay on. When I bring up towels, sheets, etc. out of the dryer if they are not in the clothes basket I just throw them on a rocker in my den until I can get to them to fold and put away. Darcy makes a bee line for the chair and hops up and lays down on the sheets like the queen that she is surveying her "kingdom". Same thing with towels, anything soft.

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I finally figured out how to use the digital camera and to download the pics.  Now that it's taken me all night, I only have the one picture up right now.

This is after being groomed today.



Scully is just to precious for words.


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Isn't she precious!! That's exactly what Buttercup looks like when she is groomed. I thought I was the only one who did the "DO" to the

"DOGGY". Buttercup hides. But, again, she looks precious!!

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