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BIG reward


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Hi friends,

Amos here. As Justin Wilson used to say,"I'm glad for you to see me". I just got home from the groomer's and look what a nice big reward daddy got me for being such a good boy. My foot is just about all healed after surgery now and my allergy is a little better with medicine. The vet said she'll keep working on the dosage until I feel much better and I hope so 'cause I just love my 4 kitty best friends here at home .

(in case you're wondering, that spike between my ears is my tail, not a horn, after all, look at me-who could imagine I ever get in trouble !!))

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Hi Amos. You are looking pretty spiffy after your haircut! Your Dad should be real proud of you. Your Cairn cousin Duffy says hi to you from out here in CA. Be a good boy! :halo:


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Hi Amos!

My mommy tolded me about your boo-boo. I'm glad that you are feeling bedder.

I'm getting my haircut on Monday. I cannot yike it. :mad:

Yuv and Tisses,


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What a sweetheart! Glad to hear you are feeling better! You look great!

Those bullies ARE yummy, aren't they :D !!


Cathy and Piper

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Amos, you are looking really good! All of us here are happy to see you've recouperated from your terrible ordeal.

How can a Cairn be a devil, huh? We all know they are the sweetest, gentlest breed on the face of the earth. :halo:

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Hi Amos,

Dis is Tucker. I beez reel glad dat yu is doing ok now. :) My momma tol me all bout yore foot. I gots one fing to say to yu doh. When yu goze to da groomer place, did yu make a big fuss like a good corn dog should? Iz dat why yu gots dat big bully stick like my momma gave me? No self-respectin corn dog wud go quietly to dat groomer place. :shy:

Yore fren,


P.S. Scruffy says he is glad yu is doin' better too! :thumbsup:

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I fought like the dickens 'cause I hate ANYONE messin' round my face. I won't even let daddy trim my face. That's why he took me to the groomer.It took 2 to hold me 'til they got me done. But I did come out purty I must say.

PS: Daddy says thanks all for your encouraging thoughts and comments. We'll write again soon.

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