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I had a really bad day


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I'm missing a good chunk of hair from the right side of my head because Elliott latched on to it while I was on the floor retrieving a rubber bone he put under our sofa (it wasn't even his...he stole it from Madison) I could not get him to let go. I couldn't even get ahold of him to pry my precious locks out of his nasty little puppy mouth. Thank God my son was home and heard my cries although he had to get in a good laugh before coming to my rescue. Not funny!

It's a nasty, cold and rainy night and no one wants to go out for business. I swear it's a full moon but I can't see it. All three of them are off the wall. I've stepped in my last puddle of "God knows what" tonite. I finally put Elliott to bed in his pen area only to have him poop and pee one last time to make it a record.

UGH......I'm taking a bath and going to bed with my favorite romance novel. Just how can something so cute and cuddly and furry be such a demon? :devil:


OMG! I'm soooo sorry that happened to you! :huh: Maybe he "thought" you were one of his plush toys??? I can't imagine what else made him do this. :devil:

Yes, I've had one of those days too. Sometimes I feel guilty for giving so many Bully Sticks out, but it saves my sanity at times!

Oh, and stepping on "something" IS the pits!

Hope tomorrow is a better day for ya! :(


Sorry for your bad day :( I'm sure Elliott thought he had the best play toy ever. The more he yanked, the more he wanted it. :D My cairn girls are a blessing compared to my dh's reptiles. :mad: He has downsized and only has 2 bearded dragons, 2 geckos and a chameleon. If only they didn't eat crickets. :sick: If that isn't enough, just as I get my cairn girls to bed, the cat starts meowing for attention. :shock:

I'm telling you all of this to hopefully make your bad day look at littly brighter. B) This is finally my time on the computer :thumbsup: my way to unwind.

I'm sure tomorrow will be better. I think that's one reason cairns are so darn cute, it helps us to forgive them easily.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)



We've all had these types of experiences with our little :devil: . The other night I was holding Duffy on my lap and holding him near my face. He was being very sweet, giving little kisses, then let out this little throaty, growly sound and went for my ear. Sometimes I don't know whether to give him a cookie, or an exorcism! You just never know what they will do next. I would stay off the floor with Elliot, or at the very least, keep a nice Eva Gabor wig close by :lol:




Oops, that last thread was me. Forgot to log in again. Old timers disease is setting in.



My goodness, what a day! :( It sounds like a bit of cabin fever for you all. One day you will be telling this story for the umpteenth time and you WILL laugh about it! But for now, your plan of a bath and reading in bed sounds like a must for you! Hugs!



((((((Kayharley))))).....I'm sorry you had a day from hell. Scully will be playing like a little angel and then it's like someone turns a switch and she's all over you like a demon spawn. Try to relax and enjoy tonight!


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