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OK, I give up with picking up toys!


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The minute I start puting toys in the basket, my girls start digging out their favorites. This goes on every night! :huh: This picture is of Abbey and Hannah digging out their favorites. My other cairn, Kiara already grabbed her favorite before I could take this picture and had it safely tucked in her bed. :) I know, the stuffing is out of some, but I don't have the heart to throw them away being the girls still love playing w/ them. I'll never understand why some get torn apart and others are never touched. :confused:


<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Do I ever hear you on this one, sista!!! My two :twisted: are the same-as soon as I try to put them away.......they are RIGHT there!! "Whatcha doin', Mom??" And, back out they come faster than I can put them back in the basket.

Reminds me....heard my oldest son say a 'choice' word the other night along with 'ouch, geez, ouch!!' When I asked him what the matter was, he had stepped on a bone left at the top of the stairs!! Have to be careful just where ya step here in this house, fer sure!

Now I don't even bother to put them away until just before nitey-nite time.


P.S. Cute pic :D !

Cathy and Piper

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Cathy, I do the same thing. I learned when my two boys were very little (my human ones, that is!) that I was wasting my time trying to pick up after them before they were in bed. Same applies now with Tucker and Scruffy. I like to fuss them as I'm going, telling them, "you know, I'm not the maid here!" and they look at me like "uh-huh!!" lol


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This is why we spend lots of time in our finished basement! It looks like doggy daycare sometimes! They just can't stand having their toys put in the tub.

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Add me to the crowd on this one. It's like an open invitation for her to play when I go to put them away. Like "HEY, that's MINE. Leave it there, I wanted it."

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Guest posting as: Milopup

I have to hide my pup's basket because he loves tearing the toy basket apart! I have tried plastic tubs, wicker baskets, nothing works. He has fun tearing the toy basket/holder apart, then realizes he can create a mess by digging out his toys. :confused:

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Hi! Not only does Riley leave his toys everywhere in every room - - - but - - I have also found them tucked into corners of chairs and under my pillows!!! I've told him many, many times - - - "if I wanna play - - I'll let ya know!!!

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