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Afraid of Border Collies?


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We had a Lab and a Border Collie staying with us last weekend.  Packy was great and got right in there with them in the wrestling matches.  Kirby, my normally brave little boy, was scared to death of the Border Collie!  He alternated between shaking and hiding elsewhere in the house or on my lap (which he never does) and trying to kill the dog.  Our breeder finally told me that many of her Cairns hate Border Collies and she thinks it has something to do with the BC's stare.  You know, that controlling stare that makes sheep do whatever they want.  And after we watched for a while, he did become more upset when the BC looked at him.  It was really weird and Kirby has never acted like that before.  Usually he loves big dogs.  By the way, the BC was very docile and kind of skittish, not at all aggressive.


Has anybody else seen this between Cairns and Border Collies?

Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 
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We have neighbors that have two border collies. Ivy doesn't like one of them. This particular dog has a very stern and nasty bark. The other one, just a typical bark from a bigger dog.  Ivy really goes out of her mind when she sees this particular dog. It's funny that your story was also pertaining to a border collie. Could be a coincidence.  By the way, this dog is not mean or nasty to me or any others. It just seems that Ivy sets her off and visa versa.

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Me and Robby pass one in the park every now and then.Robby goes into  tasmanian devil mode when we get close and I have to pick him up to get by the dog.

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One of our pups went to  a home full of Border Collies. Both owners are superb obedience trainers and handlers. I went to watch Rider at a trial and asked if the BC's had been a good influence on him, or  if he had corrupted the BC's. The owner said, "He barely acknowledges the Border Collies. He lives in his own world!"

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Allie grew up with the border collie down the street, who was just six months older than she is.  They were together often for 14 of Allie's 15 1/2 years; Walter died a year ago. Because his mom traveled often, he regularly stayed with us.  Allie was not at all afraid of him, and generally got him to be a good sheep dog and obey her orders... If we gave them each a chew treat, she stole his and would not give it back. If we played a game of fetch, she took the ball from him even if he got to it first. She got up on the bed at night and gave him the stink eye, making him sleep on the floor.


Once in a while, Walter would actually complain to us about Allie, and how "unfair" she was to him.  He would come over to us when she took the treat from him, and give us a sad look and a whine. But for all of his life, she maintained her top dog position.


We have dogs in the neighborhood Allie really likes, and dogs she cannot stand.  We have never figured out why she likes who she likes, or why she doesn't.  Clearly it's her opinion, and she is not sharing it.  Is it the dog? The owner? The presence of treats? We have never figured it out.

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they could be wary of the stare, but i suspect that they know that border collies are among the very few dogs that are truly as smart as a cairn. no cairn is going to put one over on a border collie. walter was obviously very indulgent of allie, sounds like a beautiful relationship.

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Idaho Cairns

We don't have any experience with Border Collies, except at the dog park where our girls seem to love to chase with the collies when they are around.  However, my daughter has a new eleven month old Australian Shepard and Bonnie and Sammi just "detest".  As usual I have a video showing how this Shepard brings out the killer instinct in Cairns, particularly as you will see, in Bonnie who goes for Ruby's throat every chance she gets.  I need to put a warning on this video, it is not for the squeamish as it shows the Cairn Terrier in it's killer mode.  Don't watch if you entertain any thought that Cairns are simply nice little lap dogs that wouldn't hurt a fly! 



Sorry about the annoying noise, between the Idaho wind and my air conditioner this thing is loud to boot!!!

Edited by Idaho Cairns
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Pegi isn't afraid of any dog; however like other cairns she has dogs she just hates and goes crazy when she sees them.  One belongs to woman I see at the gym; we laugh about it.  However, her DH (who seems kind of a sour puss) doesn't like it at all and always gives Pegi a dirty look.  Recently we saw him walking w/o his dog and Pegi still went nuts.  Think maybe she doesn't like HIM, not his dog......

Linda & Pegi

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Buffy seems a bit unnerved by the Border Collie's at the dog park, particularly when they zone in on her with the BC stare.  A group of three BC's tried to "herd" her once and, as you can imagine, that didn't go well . . .

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Don't many border collies have blue eyes... and others have one blue eye? Could this, plus the "stare" have something to do with it :confused1:


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