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People Magazine article


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People Magazine this week has an article showcasing teen entrepaneurs called "Teen Titans". In it, one boy is running a website called cuddlypuppy.com where he sells purebred and mixed breed dogs for an exorbitant price. The puppies are housed at his home in cages. This is nothing more than a high tech puppy mill organization in my opinion and he is the broker. There is an online petition that will be going to People Magazine asking them to do a follow up article about the true horrors of puppy mills. Please consider signing it, or write a letter to the editor.



P.S. Brad, I hope I didn't break any forum rules by posting this. Please delete if I did.

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I signed it too. My heart goes out to those poor dogs being overbred for profit. I look at my cairn girls and the life they live and wish every pup could have it so good. The best way to stop these puppymills is to educate people and get them to stop buying puppies from them.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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I signed the petition too. How sad that People Magazine is writing about how this teen is making money off of these poor animals! I can't believe that his MOTHER is helping him with this. I wish everyone would stop buying puppies from puppy mills so we can put them out of business! :mad:

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Guest Sandy Giannetti

I also signed the petition. Whenever I read about these puppy mills, it makes my heart very sad. It is truly animal cruely at its worst. Thanks for posting the site for us to sign.

Sandy (Darcy's Mom)

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The initial goal yesterday was for 5000 signatures. It's wonderful to see such a huge response to this. Hopefully People Magazine will take heed and realize that behind each of those signatures is a possible subscriber and do the right thing.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I was surprised and pleasantly pleased that People published several letters to their editor in this weeks edition regarding the boy and his internet puppy sales. I think the actually placed five or six letters about it in there.


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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I saw that yesterday, too. I've been checking People Magazine to see if they would. Now they need to do an article about rescue groups and people who volunteer their time to save these poor animals, but I doubt they will.


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