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Well, here's a link to a photo that was taken by a newspaper for their photo contest as we walked around downtown Kent, OH, on Saturday night. I'll have to post a pic from Sunday night at our Oz-decked-out house. The costumes got a little more elaborate Sunday night too, with more make-up and whatnot.

KSU Daily Jolt Photo Contest

Toto, er, I mean Bella, did just fine, though she was a little quiet, and sleepy. It wasn't until we got in the car to leave that she started barking and growling at everybody. Ooh, how tough she is when she's behind a car door!

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I agree, a great picture!

My husband and I were in Kent Oh a few years back, I did an art exhibit at the Wild Goats Cafe, and the public library!

Small world, eh?

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