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Finch was picked for the contest!


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I entered Finch in a contest months ago and I just received an email that they picked her for the contest! There are 12 puppies for the contest in November and people are voting on which one they want to win.

Would it be crazy of me to ask you to vote for Finch?? If it is, i'll delete this message.

Here is a link to the page:

Finch's contest

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Thanks, everyone! I really appreciate the votes! The other Cairn seems to be getting more votes, but I will keep plugging away. Thanks again!

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Guest Darcys mom

I must have missed that about the contest. I had trouble getting to this forum on Friday. Where do I need to vote for your baby? Just tell me and I will vote for myself, my Cairn Darcy and also my Scottie/Jack Russel Terrier Molly.

By the way, did anybody else have trouble logging on to this forum last week?


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Scroll up to the first post in this topic for the link to the terrierclub contest:


Yes, our web host was really sluggish for several hours last week, taking this forum and any other sites that happened to be hosted on that particular machine down with it. It was painful but only lasted for a few hours that I could tell. Thanks for checking back.

CAIRNTALK: Questions? Need help? → Support Forum Please do not use PMs for tech support
CRCTC: Columbia River Cairn Terrier Club 



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Finch has my vote and, I also emailed all my Cairn loving buddies, encouraging them to vote for Finch!

Best of luck! :thumbsup:



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Ooops....that's me again. I have to stop deleting the cookies on my computer because I have to log onto all my sites again!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update on Finch: Finch is still ahead, but she is losing ground quickly. Please, please, if you wish, would you vote for Finch?

Here is the link to the web site:

Finch's contest

Finch is in the second row.


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