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Happy Halloween


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It's not too late to carve a pumpkin. Requires Flash.

Let's all keep our Cairns safe tonight when trick-or-treaters come to the door or if out trick-or-treating with the family. Keeping them quiet when the doorbell rings? - well that's a different challenge altogether. Good luck with yours!


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That was fun! I just showed it to my dd and she keeps asking me for her turn. :D Guess I'll make my time here at the forum short. -_-

Would you believe my city did Halloween last night. :shock: I guess someone w/ too much time on their hands decided that Sat. was a better night for trick or treating than Sun. . . . whatever! Our cairn girls did fine but I did have to crate Kiara and Abbey and put the crates in my bedroom.

Everyone be safe!

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Thanks for the fun site! I sent it along to several of my friends who have little kids.

Scout and Finch will spend most of Halloween in the basement with us. I'm too afraid of one of them getting out through the open door. Scout wasn't scared of the trick or treaters last year, but she became very upset when my husband put on a mask and came towards me when I was holding her. She let out a scream and peed all over me! Poor thing! Finch is scared of alot more things than Scout, so I don't even think she will be given a chance to see the kids all dressed up.

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Happy Halloween To All the Pups and Moms and Dad!

Scully will be securely baby-gated in this evening and watching football with dad.

Hope everyone has a safe and fun night!

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