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Hi, now had to change forum name as had to reregister because I forgot to change email address and forgot password. So I was "Holly&me" and now it is myself and Holly.

We have been away for 10 days and firstly we went visiting my niece in Oxfordshire and took the day to go to the Cairn Fun Day in aid of Cairn Rescue. It was a great day and Holly got fourth in the "Dog the Judges would like to take Home"


Holly is 4th most wanted by judge to take home by kimbenson45, on Flickr

then I travelled to Hereford to an excellent bed and breakfast place and visited with my cousin and family. They keep chickens.7486941214_d17d101857.jpg

Holly meeting hen by jod1947, on Flickr

we then went to the Surrrey/Hampshire border to stay with my sister and her husband for a few days before travelling back home yesterday.

Holly was very good with all the changes and travelling.


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Idaho Cairns

Doesn't look like either Holly or the bird is "chickening out" in that picture. Sounds like you had a wonderful holiday, glad to have you back, and congrats to Holly for being so alluring to the judges!

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Holly looks wonderful! She liked seeing the chick. Sounds like you had a great time - I like staying a B&B's - haven't in a long time - and they were dog friendly? Good for you and Holly.

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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The b&b was very good, they have two small terriers of their own (Lucas Terrier and son a crossbreed) and did not advertise as dog friendly but I contacted them and they said yes. They had only been in business a year and not had a doggy guest before so Holly set a precedent. She was so well behaved and never barked (theirs did!), they created a area in garden she could use, so hope that they do not expect every other dog to behave like her!

If ever in UK and visiting Hereford, which is a lovely place and area, I can recommend that place even without a dog!


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