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I don't really care what books or articles say anymore..


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I was reading online and most of the sites say cairns are supposed to only be 14inches long from chest to end of legs, and only weight 14lb's and not have a fluffy tail/etc/etc.

I find it pretty funny that they say all these things when my Dog (Fonzyy) actually is the total opposite. His length is 18inches, he weighs almost 27lb's now. He has a huge moon-shaped tail that is extremely fluffy and it touches his back. All the stuff that the people say isn't a true cairn.

But to be honest, I disagree why? Because it doesn't matter what's on the outside of the cairn, My fonzy HUNTS and will catch/chase ANYTHING he sees. His hunting ability is absolutely mindblowing!! That is why I believe he is a true cairn, not because he doesn't fit the requirements of physical traits..

All I can tell you all is don't be discourage about what books/ or what people think of your dog.. It only matters what the inside of the cairn does is what counts, none of these horrible physical traits the judges think should be... I love fonzy with all my heart no matter what

Also my dog has not 1oz of fat on him @ 27lb's he is pure muscle.

Edited by Newman

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Idaho Cairns

Nick, you worry too much. Dogs are to enjoy and absolutely one of the worst thing to seek and expect perfection in and of. Go cuddle down with Fonzy--he matches your ideal of a wonderful companion with every one of his many ounces!

99.9% of the people on earth don't even have a clue what a Cairn Terrier is let alone knowing what their tails should look like.

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If he acts like a cairn and he's our dog and we love him and he loves us that's all that matters!

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Yes you do worry to much about it. Breed standard is their to make breeders strive for perfection. If they only breed just to sell dogs then we would eventually loose all the qualities in a Cairn that we love. Like their ability to hunt, being loving, and caring and all of the other wonderful traits of a Cairn. That is also part of breed standard, not just size. You can't get perfection all of the time. Kelly's not breed standard either, but I love her just the way she is. She is perfect for me and my family.

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How do I show the world that I love my dog? I make video trailer for him, post on cairnterrier and everything! what's next?

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Idaho Cairns

IMO you don't need to "show the world" that you love Fonzy--that's not even necessary. Like most things involving the emotion called "love" it is enough that you do it, experience it, feel it--once you do, it doesn't matter what the rest of the world knows.

Be like Fonzy, he doesn't care what anyone or anything else thinks, he knows absolutely that you are his master and he will always be loyal to you--a dog's version of love. Heck Nick, he doesn't even bit what your tail looks like!

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