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The tricky one....


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The other night, I had given Cooper the cairn and Yoda the schnoodle each something to chew on. Cooper, being older and having adult teeth, finished his in about thirty minutes. Yoda, being just 4.5 months old, could chew on his for a week and still have some left.

Yoda was lying in the bed we had bought for Cooper last year when Cooper was just a pup. Cooper never liked this bed and would not go in it, until Yoda came along and he saw that Yoda likes to be in it. Cooper, seeing Yoda and his baby teeth still had quite a bit left and quite certain that Yoda would want to share it with him, inched forward slowly. It took him about ten minutes to make it four feet and I was nearly dying from hysterics because I knew what he was up to! Meanwhile Yoda, had no clue.

Cooper, the want-to-be thief, finally made it to where the unsuspecting Yoda was happily chewing away. In he went to snatch it away and Yoda bit him on the nose! He seemed to think, this can't be right......and went for it again. Yet another bite on the nose! Now Cooper was looking at me with a look on his face that said 'what have you gotten us into here??'. I was simply dying. After sitting and watching Yoda a few minutes, you could see the lightbulb come on over Coopers head......I'll sneak around the glider, under the end table and grab it from behind! Nope, another bite on the nose! Cooper has finally met his match!

This was getting serious! Cooper trots to the kitchen and starts barking - at nothing! I hear him sneak into the dining room just before Yoda hightails it to the kitchen to see what's going on. As soon as Yoda clears the dining room, ZOOM! Here comes Cooper around the buffet, under the end table, over the top of the bed, and he clears with the bone in his mouth! V-I-C-T-O-R-Y!!! I thought I would die of laughter!!!!

I have never in my life seen a dog pull a trick on another dog...have you?

pat....still laughing about it.

Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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What a hysterical story - I could just envision it. We have two German Shepheds at work that are bomb sniffing/Hazmat dogs. They know everyone's pod where there are boxes of bones for them and it's hysterical to watch them making the rounds like "Trick or Treat" looking for their free stash.

Today someone gave them each a pig's ear and Kaiser, being the "Elder Statesmen", walked right up to Bizmark, the Young 'Un, and took it right out of his mouth. Kaiser had "buried" his somewhere in the office space and was looking for more.

I keep saying we need more dogs at work and less humans!

Thanks for sharing your story.

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Great story! We have two Cairns and they are like little kids. They only want what the other one has and will spend hours trying to get it away from the other! I usually have one that has the toy/chewy, and the other just wants what the other has! I can't figure out which one is Alpha since they both take turns being the "boss". Aren't Cairns great entertainment?

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I am sitting at work with tears running down my cheeks. I can see it happening. Good job Yoda!! My baby Cairn does this to my older Westie and I just die. Especially the kitchen trick. Love the barking.

Thanks so much for sharing!!

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