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Need Housebreaking help

Guest Amy

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We got our new Cairn a week ago. She is now 8 weeks old. The people we got her from said she was used to going on paper, as they had it in the garage they were in during the day. But I read that you shouldn't train them to go on paper. Is that true?

I am having a hard time getting her trained. She will even go in her small kennel that I keep her in at night, and then wakes me up to tell me. I don't know what to keep in the bottom of the kennel. Last night I put newspaper, but that brings me to my first question. And then, I wonder - if she does go in her kennel, should I just leave it dirty and make her sleep in it? I think if I change the paper (or whatever I put in there) every time she has an accident, then I will just reinforce the behavior that it is okay for her to go in there and I'll take care of the mess.

Please help! Any advice would be great! THANKS! :)

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I found with Metz the best way was to use paper. If you replace the paper place a small piece of soiled paper with the new, so he can smell where he has been before. Once he is using the paper everytime he needs to urinate you can slowly move the paper closer and closer to the door until such time he goes outside to do the biz. Hope this helps.

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And I'd go about it in an entirely different manner.

I found paper training and then teaching to go outside confuses the dogs more. It's great if you can be home alot most of the day and take the pup out every hour or so. When she does her business, lay on heavy praise. Make sure to watch her inside the house for signs that she has to go. When you can't watch her, she goes in her crate.

I'd put a towel or something soft inside it so she's comfortable and it's easy to clean if she does have an accident.

Eventually she'll gain more bladder control and be able to hold her urine longer. I also found that my pup would have to poop a couple hours after eating. I guess every dog is different but if you can figure out her schedule, it also makes housebreaking easier.

Stick with it.....all of a sudden your puppy will get the idea.

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Hi Amy,

Welcome to the Forum. Here is what we did with our Cairn, Duffy. We use the puppy pee pads and placed them near the back door. We were very lucky in that he took to the pads right away. Whenever we would see him go to the pad, we would open the door and take him out and praise him for being a good boy. Eventually he automatically started going to the door to let us know he had to go out. We got him at 10 weeks of age and by 15 weeks he was completely housebroken. Then again, what works for one pup, might not work for another.


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I used the crate method with Rebel, it was what the breeder suggested. If I couldn't watch him he was in his crate. WHen we went out side if he did his business he got praise and a treat, we always played with him after he took care of his buisness so he wouldn't think do the job go inside. It was more like do my business get a treat and get to play then go inside to rest. I think the first year he had only 2 accidents in the house and both were because I wasn't watching him.

Think of them as your baby when you can't watch them they are in a playpen or bed. Sometimes they cry but if they are dry and feed then they are ok and in few minutes they will stop crying. If you get them out everytime they cry or bark then they learn to bark to get what they want. Praise your puppy for doing good things like not barking, going outside, being good in the crate...etc.

I know Rebel is really smart and I am sure from what everyone here says about there dogs that they all are.

Good luck


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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Well, I took the paper out of the crate, and put a rug and then a cloth on top of it. She pooped in it again last night before she whined to let me know. Why does she poop in her crate?? I thought they wouldn't dirty their box? Does anyone have any other suggestions? I took her outside immed and then cleaned up the mess. She always seems to go about 2am.

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I used to get so frustrated because Madison would poop in her crate too. I then tried to figure out how long after she ate did she have to eliminate. There was a pattern there....it just took some time to put it all together.

Be patient....8 weeks is still a baby and she'll eventually understand. I really think at that young age they have little control over their bodily functions.

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I usually try to feed her about 5pm. But sometimes it's later. The crate is actually a small kitty kennel. I just don't know how to make her understand that she shouldn't use that as a bathroom. I go ahead and take her outside, but she has already done her duty. Thanks everyone! :)

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I know how frustrating this can be. Scout did this as a puppy too. We got her when she was 10 weeks old and she pooped in her crate for several weeks. I can't tell you how many baths she was given during this time!

I would try to feed her earlier and see if that helps. Give her some time...she is still quite young. :)

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how is it going? I hope things are going

better. Just curious.....was there ever kitties in the

kitty kennel? Just thinking about the smell (not in

a bad way...) maybe the little bugger is

thrown off by the kitty smell? I don't know,

but it might be...those little munchkins have

amazing sniffers! I really do hope things are

going better, housebreaking can be extremely


Take care!

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We went an entirely different route with our Cairn. Since we had an apartment to begin with and no yard to speak of we ended up training our Cairn to you a Doggie Litter Box. We'd always had small pets and had been using paper and at one point trained out dogs to go outside, but with Mookie (our Cairn) we didn't have an outside area and experience with Paper told me that I didn't want to do that route again. No matter what you do, line the paper with plastic etc..., that area of the carpet get's ruined. Anyhow, our doggie little box is the perfect size for our little Cairn. They actually make doggie litter that is in little pellet shapes as opposed to the sand in a cat box. The box has worked out so well for us as long as we keep on top of it with scooping and changes. Mine and my husbands work schedules have changed since we got her and it's comforting to know that she can go to her little box if we're not home to let her out. Our Cairn was extremely easy to train to the box. It took about 3-5 days when she was about 7 weeks old to get her to religiously go there. We were so proud the first time she used her own little box! Anyhow, I just wanted to let you know that there are alternatives out there if you want to look into them. Happy training!

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