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Dogs can smell cancer !


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I heard the news report regarding dogs being able to detect (smell) certain cancers, I believe the report said bladder cancer especially and that Spaniels were the best at it. As strange as this statement may seem, I also am beginning to believe that sometimes dogs can "take" cancers from their humans. I know of several personal contacts, including myself who have had cancer and have undergone extensive therapies and sometimes surgery and after all of the treatments are finished and the individual is beginning to mend, their beloved dog turns up with cancer and 99% of the time tje dog does not survive. Early last year I was diagnosed with a tumor at the base of my tongue that after testing proved to be cancerous. I underwent 9 weeks of daily radiation therapy, and once per week chemo treatments for the same 9 week. After all of that, I had a final surgery to repair what damage was done by the radiation. During that whole time, my beloved Springer Spaniel Chelsea was constantly at my side. I would get home from treatments completely drained and feeling miserable and lay down to rest. She would get on the bed and lay next to me and put her head on my neck and stay with me until I was ready to get up and start moving around. Then she would follow me all over the house. I was pronounced cancer free last November 1st. In early December I noticed that Chelsea, who by then was 10 1/2 years old was acting a little lethargic. One evening I was scratching her on both sides of her neck (which she loved and felt lumps on both sides of her neck. The next day I took her to the Vet and he checked her over and found that lymph nodes all over her body were swollen. After numerous tests it was determined that she had canine lymphoma and it was very advanced. Within a week after that I had to make the painful, heartwrenching decision to put her down. Many of you may say, well, she was 10 1/2 years old which is fairly old for a Springer so this is just a coincidence. My heart still aches because she was by my side during my whole battle with cancer, I came through it but there was nothing I could do so save her. In going to support groups for cancer survivors I was so surprised to hear that I was not the only one who had experienced this. And the peculiar part about this is that all of the people that had these same experiences with their dogs were cancer survirors. Do our dogs love us so much that somehow they can take our diseases from us and sacrifice themselves to save us? Sorry for rambling on, but Laika's post just put me back in mind of this and I felt the need to share.


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Hi Mike C - - so sorry to hear about both you and Chelsea - - am glad that you are cancer free. I feel that most dogs have an uncanny sense of our needing them - - during a difficult time in my life my Golden Retriever was by my side every day - - he was always there but he seemed to be that much more affectionate and attentive. It is remarkable to me that they are this intuitive and perceptive of us! Riley also exemplifies this type of behavior - - but then again - - I will always be there for him!!!

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I'm glad to hear you are a cancer survivor but sad to hear about Chelsea. Dogs are indeed man's/woman's best friend. I honestly couldn't imagine my life without one.

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