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My Husband Says


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Dear Beloved Cairn Forum Folks,

As of today, I've been out of work for 5 months. My husband (without a job for 7 years) asked me why I haven't logged in to the forum all this time. I just wanted to say Hi.

One benefit of sitting home (when I'm not interviewing) is I get to be with my

beautiful Cairn Children all day. Maybe that's why I've been remiss in my contributions

to the forum.

I love and treasure all of you...I'll probably be back, but right now being outgoing

is hard for me. I know I shouldn't stew in my own juice. Just know my Cairn children

are getting all their needs met.


Tara Wilk

Max and Nelly

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So good to see you drop in and to hear that your cairn kids are keeping you company as you go through tough times. There aren't so many of us who have been around the forum as long as us anymore so it is good to see you drop in regardless of the circumstance. I'm so sorry to hear that life has been so challenging, and I do hope to see you back on with regularity once you find it easier to be outgoing. We'll still be here, members new and old, and welcome you with open paws and arms when you are ready.

Best wishes,


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It is really hard to not "stew" in one's juices when you are under financial and professional stress so I can understand why you might not be in to talking about Cairns during these times. So many folks are suffering right now it is hard to be positive but I continue to be so. Here is hoping that you'll be back in the workforce and more comfortable with your circumstances soon. I sure wish my generation had been more careful with all the functions of government and industry so this awful mess didn't fall down on so many good people. I think that will be one of my biggest regrets--not paying attention especially when I knew things weren't right.

I will keep you close, in mind and heart and hope for the coming of better times for you.

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Visit when you are in the mood and know that as a member of the Cairn family you've been missed. Holding Cairnish thoughts for you, and glad your gang is keeping you company and showing you the Cairn Way.


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Bless you and your family, both furry and not! Hope your situation improves soon. Keep strong. But if you have to hang out at home, nothing as is cheering as a Cairn!


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Prayers and good thoughts are on their way to you from Illinois. Know that you have friends here and don't lose hope! We're also available if you need a shoulder to cry on. :hug:

Warm holiday wishes to you and the Cairn Kids.

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Keep your spirits up... when you are down there is only one way to go and that is up. Times are very hard for so many people especially around this time of year.

Hug your uprights and your four legged family :hug: Good thoughts going your way.

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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Warm wishes and doggie kisses coming your way. Hope things turn around for you. We miss your posts, so don't be a stranger for so long next time.

Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 
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Tara, So glad to hear from you. Sorry to hear that you guys have been going through some hard times. Whenever you're ready to join us, we'll be here for you.

Warm holiday wishes to you and your husband and the cairn gang.

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Hi Tara, Sorry to hear about your circumstances. I'm sure the dogs are loving the extra attention. Good luck on your search for a new job.

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Dear Tara,

I've been in your situation myself, so I completely understand your feelings. I appreciate your keeping in touch and commend you for doing so. Your presence here is valued. I'll continue to think of you and hope for the best. Looking forward to seeing more of your posts whenever you're feeling up to it!


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It is so easy to just stay in and cuddle with those that keeps us young. Bring the Furkids out for a walk and clear the mind & soul. Keeping you & your family in our prayers, I agree the only way from here is UP!! It is so wonderful to know that your back talking with us...sure missed your kind words and wisdom.

Better, greater things are ahead! Don't let the fog/brick walls get in your way....knock them down and let the furkids take care of the vermin trying to block your goal!! Your on your way to brighter and happier times!

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