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Introducing our new puppy (at last)


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Hi everyone Well, we are all finally back home and I've got a few minutes to let you all know how it went. It took a little longer at the breeders than I thought - paperwork to be filled out (check), medical records (check), toys (check) and extra food (check) ohhh and puppy (check). The ride home was not exactly thrilling for her and she did cry a bit here and there but thank goodness it was only one hour away. We were home before she knew it. However, the tough part came when we got out of the car and we put on her new collar (doesn't care for this) and her leash and placed her on the ground. Nope - she didn't like the ground - tried to crawl up onto my pant leg - I tried to slowly move my leg about a foot in the hopes that she would follow it - which she eventually did - but it was painstaking and I wasn't sure how much to press the issue so I didn't. I figured she will be going through many changes today and in the next few days that to take a stand at this early stage was perhaps a tad too extreme. We brought her inside and placed her on the floor but once again she was hesitant to move - so we set up the pen (with her new crate inside) and that was a definately hit. Within minutes she was feeling more at home. She drank a little and ate a few kibbles. She preceded to pee four times in quick succession. (I'm off later to get newspaper.) Who would have thought that little bit of water would go such a long way. She loves the toy fox (sans stuffing) with squeekers in both ends and was throwing that around and having a grand old time. Right now she is fast asleep so I am taking some time to bring you all up to speed. Since I've been awake from 3:30 a.m. - I'm starting to drag myself so will try to take a quick nap.

So now - without further ado - I'd like to introduce you to "Layla" - here are two pictures - I will resize the others and post at another time. Hope you enjoy. I'd like to thank everyone for their endless patience while this whole process has been unfolding and all your well wishes for today.

post-5021-0-73809000-1290195598_thumb.jp post-5021-0-11076200-1290195619_thumb.jp

Husband and dog missing ...25 cents reward for dog

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Cute Cute Cute... she looks like a litte Stauffer bear in the first picture :wub:

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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She's such a beautiful little girl! Congratulations on your new arrival and best wishes for many great times with her. The name Layla fits her perfectly and she looks very content in the pics. Get some rest because she'll be running you ragged in the coming weeks! ;)

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Awww what a little cutie. Congratulations on your big day!!! Layla is a great name and she looks like a little angel asleep in her crate.

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"CAIRNGRATULATIONS" on your new baby!! Layla is a beautiful girl, and worth your long wait. You're in for lots of fun, and maybe a few not so fun things in the days ahead. Treasure moments like the one of Layla asleep in her crate, as there won't be much quiet time your house in the coming months.


Jim, Connie, Bailey & Sophie


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Lovely dog! Not to worry, after the initial shock of being away from Mom and littermates, Layla's Cairn Terrier will override the fear and longing and you will have a dandy little dog that will keep you busy. Enjoy all that need to get in your lap to be held--that trait goes quickly in Cairns once they develop that famed independence and stubborness they are prone to--then getting them to cuddle is nye on impossible.

If she gets too tough for you, ship her on out here and we'll raise her for you! :halo:

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If I remember right, Kirby cuddled up with me for naps for about two days after we brought him home. After that, he was much too busy. Enjoy those puppy cuddles and hopefully you've invested in an x-pen!

Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 
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Congrats on your beautiful new girl. She is absolutely precious! Oooooh I would love to hold a puppy right now!

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Cute, yes indeed. I don't think she's sleeping in the second picture, but looking for ads on sales of Bully Sticks. She be clipping coupons in no time. Now that she is home and the anticipation is wound down, you can get back to normal, well maybe in a year or so. Congratulations. Sassy says hi :)

Sassy Jan 22, 2005



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She is sooooo adorable and I love the name. I thought about you yesterday, going to collect her, she'll soon settle in and be up to all sorts of antics! whistle.gif


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Thank you everyone for your wonderful comments. Idaho Cairns - at 3:30 a.m. if I had read your post and the post office was open - I might have been tempted from lack of sleep. But my sanity has returned (just in the nick of time.) Yesterday I posted that she didn't like the ground outside - I now take that all back - she is loving it - playing in the leaves and seems to love the russeling sounds of the crunchyness. She has been doing her business outside (as well as a few accidents inside). She has also adapted well to the house - running hither and yon from her food & water bowl to the living room. She picks out one kibble and runs into the living room and munches on that - then runs back to get another tasty morsel. Last night was not a pretty picnic - we put her down in her crate at 9:30 and went down the hall to bed. Well you would have thought the hounds of Baskerville were after her - she yelped and cried (the strangest of noises) for about 10 minutes then settled down to sleep. All was well - and then I wondered if she awoke in the middle of the night would I hear her? No problem - loud and clear at 3:05 a.m. I flew out of bed and raced into the living room - picked her up and she clung to my neck thanking the stars that someone had not left her out to dry. We then proceeded to go outside - and let me tell you - it was not a warm night - hovering around 28 degrees you don't dawdle. Ta dah - both businesses done we came back in - only in her world it was time to play. Not..I said. Back into the crate and I headed back down the hall - my warm bed awaiting. That was not to be .. the howls started back up and I really, really did try to resist. But when you hear that catterwalling (sp?) and know you can't sleep - I figured no one would so I climbed back out and headed down the hall once again. This time I picked her up and we settled down an hour later on the couch together - to catch up on some much needed sleep (on my end at any rate.) So far this morning - she has been in and out at least six times (she runs around on her leash while I take three steps) and tires herself out. Right now she is fast asleep on the floor (she has her crate and a bed) but seems to like the cooler floor. I have attached a youtube video and I apologize ahead of time for the quality - it is from our digital camera. We are heading out later today to pick up a video camera so we can catch all the growling ( I mean growing) up moments possible. More pictures to come later - phew..am I pooped and the fun has just started.

Husband and dog missing ...25 cents reward for dog

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aah, another puppy video to enjoy!

[seeing all these videos makes me want to video my adult Holly as look so much more interesting than a still pic!]


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My offer still stands--it is finally snowing here, the golf course is closed and the wife and I have nothing to do for three months so we could raise Layla to be an absolute spoiled brat! Hey, that 3:30 wake up call is short lived so enjoy and nothing beats curling up on the couch with a whimpering little puppy for a few hours of shut eye--it won't last long so keep repeating that to yourself over and over.

I think it is great that she has already picked up that "outside" is the place to do her job and even if the neighbors wonder what in the dickens is going on with someone outside enthusiastically clapping hands and shouting "Good potty Layla!" you just keep laying it on her. My wife and I would have joint cheering sessions for our dogs at all hours of the night that must have sounded like a ninth inning tie breaker at Yankee Stadium but the result was a happy little puppy who thought she had won the people person lotto.

I love it. It might help to set her up in the bedroom with both of you--I do think the sounds of people sleeping and the familiar smells helps to quiet puppies to a certain extent--of course we used the small crate (which is still being used and in the same place as the first night!)which doesn't take up much room.

I don't know what to tell you about the "kibble migration" except to say that my Cairns often do that--I guess since the wife and I eat in living room, the dogs seem to think that is the place for them to crunch kibble. Who knows?

I thought you video was quite good and since I use a digital camera as well it is adequate but it would be nice to have a regular video camera--heck my six year old grandson showed up here with a little video device no bigger than a cell phone that took great looking vids--I guess it wasn't too expensive either.

Thanks for sharing Layla's first days with us--speaking for myself, I enjoy the pictures and videos of all the dogs--pups or grown dogs. I never get tired of Cairns or Cairn antics so keep 'em coming!

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I agree with Idaho Cairns that she might settle faster at night if her crate were in the bedroom with you. You can just move the crate wherever you need it or have two crates if you don't want to bother. Funny about taking her kibble to the living room. My boys eat their regular food at their dishes but when they get something special, Kirby always takes it to the living room.

It's so much fun to have these puppy videos to watch!

Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 
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Congratulations pindrop!!! Layla is precious!!! Boy can I relate to what your going through right now.

I made the mistake of ignoring Bailey one night when she awoke at 1:30 am. Her crate was in our bedroom, so I picked her up crate and all and put her in the bathroom with the door closed.

Didn't take her long to quiet down, but the poopy mess first thing in the morn just wasn't worth it! :oops:

One piece of advice that my vet imparted onto me for Mac and now Bailey, is that you should be sure to touch her and her food while she is eating.

Down the road you will not have to worry about any accidental touching that results in a growl or nip.

Enjoy this fun time, I know we sure are enjoying ours!

Two Cairns are better than one! Mac is so much more active and happily, Bailey loves the lake!


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gosh that is one beautiful puppy. you know baby labs are cute, but these puppies have to be the very cutest of all. she seems to be catching on to everything fast.

that COULD be good...

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