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Cairn Dreams?

Idaho Cairns

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I know, I know, I'm a doter on my Cairns but sometimes things just come up that you like to share--like an election night incident with my older Cairn, Sammi, who, as you know, is somewhat less petite and feminine than her little sister Bonnie. Sammi is, as we would say using a euphemism, "Big Boned", where Bonnie is small, she is large, where every left hair on Bonnie has a companion right hair that matches, Sammi's hair is a profusion of of hairs going every which direction with no rhyme or reason, where Bonnie prances, Sammi gallops--She is, well, a Tomboy! But even Tomboys have their fantasies I guess because in the midst of watching election babble, Sammi was quietly rooting on the couch, seeking a comfortable place to lay down while the Wife and I listened to the returns. My wife whispered to me "Look at this!" and when I turned around, Sammi had managed to come up under a fringed throw on the back of the couch and was sitting there looking around with the thing over her face! Hilarious! I grabbed the digital and caught the action with the following results:

Sammi was so pleased with the praise of her "exotic beauty" as an Afghan Hound--or Puli, who knows, that she posed for some still photos so we could further document her glamorous trek into pretending, throwing off the mundane life as "the other sister".

How fetching!


The Queen of Sheba look!


The most interesting thing is that the vid clip has only had a few hits but they are from places like Norway, Latvia, and Argentina! Now trying to explain that to is really difficult. Why someone in Northern Europe or in South America would be interested in a Cairn Terrier in mufti is beyond me--hopefully they will explain--in English.

Please enjoy, I will really try to restrain myself but as you know.........!

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So adorable. I can't believe that she just sat there and did not try to get the thing off her. She looks quite content. Toooo cute.

cairn terriers leave pawprints on our lives
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I think Sammie tapped into her inner girly side and was playing "bride". I used to put a towel or other piece of fabric on my head as a little girl and pretend I was getting married. I should have picked up a briefcase and a wad of cash and played, "divorce attorney", but I digress. :D

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I can't put my finger on it but her pose reminds me of Cher.

Could it be that she's cleverly camouflaging herself, preparing for an assault on Bonnie? :innocent:

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Normally any Cairn assaults are the result of Bonnie trying to instigate a wrestling session--she does the quick nip on the butt routine and look out! I'm not sure what the purpose was but Sammi sure seemed to be enjoying her moment--she had us laughing with this one--she kept slowly turning her head like she was posing.

Now that you mention it, she does look like Cher in a couple of the pictures. Who knows what goes on in the minds of these Cairns? It is possible that she has been watching too many hours of the Animal Planet, which we leave on for when we leave. Most likely reason is that we weren't paying enough attention to her while watching the election stuff--our dogs have this "Attention must be paid!" attitude that requires feeding on a regular basis but generally that comes from the little one who will simply jam a ball in your face and demand it be tossed. Both are pretty spoiled Cairns.

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Chase does the same thing. We have a blanket on a footrest stool and Chase pulls it down about halfway and goes under it and sleeps. Guess he is pitching his tent...

You must give some time to your fellow men. Even if it's a little thing, do something for others - something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing it.

-Albert Schweitzer (1875 - 1965)

Chase and Gus video

Youtube- Best of Chase and Gus

Cairn Terrierists

It's because cats simply can't be trusted for heavy lifting & dirty work required in the war on terrior.

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