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New Puppy Pictures (post 1)


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Hi everyone! We just got back from visiting the breeder and seeing the puppies. They are now three and a half weeks old and have their eyes opened. They are not yet walking - just snuggling with one another and making little moaning noises. :ermm: The mother dog, Sandi, is such a wonderful mom. As promised, this is the second installment of pictures. We will be going back again in three weeks and by then we expect to see them romping around on all fours. I wish I could post all the pictures, but I guess we will have to suffice with what I can post. If I can't fit all the pictures on this first post, I'll add more on additional ones. Both the hubby and myself do have a preference - look at picture 1 (chubby paler female) and picture 3 (little black face) It's a tough decision when you see all five of them and they are as cute as buttons. Thank goodness that decision can be put off till the next time. Let me know your thoughts and preferences. Unfortunately I'm still dubbing around trying to get the pictures posted. Wait...I'm coming. :confused1:




Husband and dog missing ...25 cents reward for dog

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Phew....this is complicated - I don't remember it being this difficult last time.

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Husband and dog missing ...25 cents reward for dog

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okie dokie everyone - seems I can only post three pictures at a time. No doubt someone will come along and let me know where I am going wrong. Be kind when you do... :innocent:

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Husband and dog missing ...25 cents reward for dog

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This is the last three - although I have more, this is tiring & frustrating. :crybaby: Hope you liked them as much as we do.

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Husband and dog missing ...25 cents reward for dog

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Idaho Cairns

Now you've done it! More than half this forum, myself included, are going to be sitting here all weekend imagining how wonderful it would be to have a soft, warm, cuddly, still Cairn puppy in our arms! Oh my, would I like to dive into that box of candy and pull out one of those little sweet nuggets!!!!

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Idaho Cairn laughing over here - what you said is so sweet. When I laughed, my husband wanted to know what you said. Aren't they just too precious?

Husband and dog missing ...25 cents reward for dog

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Those puppies are too wonderful for words! I don't envy you for having to make the decision of which one to take, but I'm SO jealous that you'll be getting one of them. :blush:

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Love that middle picture with the puppy asleep on his/her back in your arms! What sweet babies!

Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 
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Now you've done it! More than half this forum, myself included, are going to be sitting here all weekend imagining how wonderful it would be to have a soft, warm, cuddly, still Cairn puppy in our arms! Oh my, would I like to dive into that box of candy and pull out one of those little sweet nuggets!!!!

Perfectly said!

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I want one!!! I love all the pictures. Their little tiny ears are soo cute I just want to squeeze them :wub: Keep the pictures coming!! When I saw that their were new pic's I called my husband over and he came running. We are all waiting in anticipation for which one will be yours!! :)

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Little pieces of pure joy. Do you suppose they know the power they have on all of us? ...if not they soon will. :) Thanks for sharing them. I don't think I could pick.

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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Oh, they are so cuddly looking! Difficult to pick.

I love the one in fourth picture though.


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I want one!!!!! Scruffy is only 7 months old, it seems such a long time ago that he looked like these scrumptious adorable pups.

They are just gorgeous and it will be difficult to choose. I can't wait until you have picked one.


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Thanks to all who have written. I can hear you all and I knew you would be excited at seeing the puppies. I raced home to post them knowing it would make your weekend. Yes, they had puppy breath and yes they are adorable. Their little paws and nails reminded me of a baby bear cub - extremely sharp. I'd love to take two and I'm working on hubby as we speak. Unfortunately, he is the one who will be doing the majority of the training as I am still working and he is retired. So, unless one of you have pearls of wisdom, that can be used to sway him over, the addition of another cairn may not be till I retire which is sometime in the next year to year and a half.

Husband and dog missing ...25 cents reward for dog

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If your thought is to get two at the *same time* -- I think that's generally a bad idea, and litter mates even worse. I generally recommend waiting until the first one is at least two. (Obviously it's just a rule of thumb and there are exceptions.) So your fall-back plan is actually pretty great, especially as a retirement project. Two things to look forward to!

Also, SQUEEEEEE! New puppy! :)

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Ah, to your previous questions/concern about adding multiple images to a single post. The reason you were unable to post all your images in one post is due to the attachment management system. The user group "registered" is limited to a per-post size of 250KB - your photos are around 70K each, so a fourth photo would push you over that per-post limit.

Attaching images is actually the fall-back capability, because the forum will only provide a limited amount of storage space for attachments, per user - once you reach that limit (I think for the "registered" group it's 5MB) you will have to delete previous attachments to make room for new attachments. If on the other hand you host your images on a service dedicated to that purpose (or your own domain), there is no limit to the total number of images you can link to (either size or number), and you can insert as many as 10 images into a single post. See Forum Support for some discussions about image hosting, linking vs attachments, etc.

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CRCTC: Columbia River Cairn Terrier Club | 2025 Calendar



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Thank you Brad, for your advice on having two from the same litter. I expect it would be a definate handful and I hate to admit it but you are probably right. Waiting for two years or so (my husband says) is excellent advice. :thumbsup:

I also appreciate you having grouped the post & pictures. I do apologize, both my husband (who joined yesterday - oldfox) and I together will look into how to post pictures correctly. He is an old hand at forums and I'm sure will navigate his way in here and can then help me. So, in three weeks, when we have the next batch, we should be all set.

Husband and dog missing ...25 cents reward for dog

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I agree on waiting for the second puppy. We added Kirby when Packy was 4 yrs. old and it is SO much easier training a puppy when you have a dog who is mature and can help with the training and entertaining. As Brad said, you've got a good plan to wait until you retire to get a second puppy. And that way you can spend a lot of time with it as opposed to now when you're working.

You know, I've got to look at storing my photos at another service instead of attaching them here. I just haven't ever gotten around to it, so this is a good reminder.

Weeeee! Puppies!

Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 
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If I can add my 2cents I know from experience getting two puppies about the same time is a handful. We did that long time ago and we had the kids at home to help. I don't have the energy to do that again. Waiting a couple of years is helpful...besides then you start over again with puppies!

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Puppppieeeeees! I vote for mr. (or ms?) chunky. No, wait, the one on his back. Orrrr, oh I don't know, they're all soooooo adorable!

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