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I need advice


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I need some advice from other Cairn owners. I live in an apartment complex. Benny and Sally have been doing great and really seem to like having so many people around them all the time.

Today I went out to walk them and a bunch of my neighbors were outside. This is a common thing. Benny tried to jump on one of my neighbors, which he has tried to do all the time. I wasn't paying attention and my neighbor kicked Benny hard. It caused Benny to flip over and land on his back. He seems okay physically, but ever since he got kicked he has been hiding in the corner and trembling. He does not even want me to come near him. Benny did throw up a few times right after he got kicked, but seems to be doing better now.

I feel so miserable because Benny is so scared. I'm furious at my neighbor...don't even want to look at my neighbor. Any advice would be much appreciated.


The world revolves around Benny and Sally...or so they think!

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That is shocking!! As a dog lover, it just amazes me that someone can do that. Poor Benny ... I hope he shakes this off mentally and is okay physically. I don't know how i'd handle the neighbor - my gut reaction is to do something back!!

Having not experienced something like this, I guess I'd say if he is physically ok tomorrow, take him outside as normal of course and try to make him feel comfortable out there.

Let us know how he's doing.

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How awful! What did the other neighbors do when this happened? Act like it was OK? Are they usually friendly toward the dogs or not? I don't know anything about your apartment complex or the character of your neighbors, so it depends on your level of comfort with the situation. Kicking a dog would be considered animal cruelty, but I don't know if you'd want to get the authorities involved. Is there anyone who lives in your apartment complex that you could talk to about this - another neighbor who is friendly toward the dogs, for example?

If it was me, I probably would have gone ballistic and told the :censored: neighbor that I'd call the police if they ever touched my dogs again. I'd have to confront them about the situation or I wouldn't be able to sleep at night. But that's me, not you. Can you share any more details about the circumstances?

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Idaho Cairns

I have seen my Cairns react to this sort of thing--it confuses them when humans cause them pain, purposely or accidentally--they tend to retreat for awhile, seemingly to "figure it out" before coming out of withdrawal. I'm sure your little dog will be fine very shortly if there is no physical pain associated with the incident.

I think I would make sure the dogs were restrained and kept away from your fellow apartment folks. Some people simply do not like dogs or feel about dogs in the same way we do--although kicking a small dog is not appropriate, it does reveal how little some people tolerate dogs jumping on them. My dogs greet people the same way and tho we try to stop them, they persist in the jumping up on people--most people do not like it--I think you have to be responsible and keep your dogs down and away. That's particularly the case if none of the people in your complex who witnessed the incident didn't take action to criticize the person who kicked you dog--that's at least tacit approval of the kick.

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something similar happened to my brother's dog petey but he was a 8 week yorkie/bichon pup at the time. We called the police b/c the guy was being very confrontational and kicked petey for no reason. the cops said he was getting in there face too. So we went online an filed a complaint with our humane society and they fined the guy like $200. My brother never had any problems with him after that. I think I made a topic about it...


Dogs' lives are too short. Their only fault, really." - Carlotta Monterey O'Neill

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I dont want to alarm you but I would have a vet check him out. You dont know that he hasnt been injured.

People are such :censored: %%^**%%$*. I would have also gone balistic and knowing me I would be tempted to kick him myself :thumbsup:

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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I would definitely take him to the vet since he threw up and is hiding and trembling. Trembling can be a sign of pain.

I would say to try to get the neighbor to pay the vet bill, but you may not get anywhere since Benny jumped up on him.

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Thanks for the advice. Benny seems to be doing better a few hours later. He is not scared anymore, but does not quite seem to be himself.

I worked it out with the neighbor who kicked him. This was such a shock because this neighbor is usually so friendly to Benny. My neighbor is sorry.

I'd type more, but its so hard for me to type right now because I have a major cut on my index finger and its very swollen. I fell while running tonight. Bad night I guess. I'll keep everyone posted on how Benny is doing and share more once it does not hurt to type.


The world revolves around Benny and Sally...or so they think!

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Benny and Sally have done so well with the move and all the adjustments that they have had to make that I feel bad Benny had to run into this. I am glad that you and your neighbor have talked and have worked it out somehow. :confused1: I too would of been all over them. Paying the vet bill was a good idea. Anyway, very happy that little Benny is coming out of it. I hope that you guys continue to enjoy your apartment and your neighbors. Thoughts are with you. Good luck.

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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I dont want to alarm you but I would have a vet check him out. You dont know that he hasnt been injured.

People are such :censored: %%^**%%$*. I would have also gone balistic and knowing me I would be tempted to kick him (the stupid human) myself :thumbsup:

I wanted to clarify it was the idiot human that I would have kicked!

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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:censored::censored: If I typed what I felt about the :censored: you would throw me off the site! What an :censored: .... I would have him checked at the vet as well - One of my dogs was hit by a car and seemed fine, but the vet said that any blow can cause major problems. I am so sorry your poor little guy had to experience cruelty.
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I was appalled when I read what happened to Benny. I don't think I could have contained myself had I been there! Idaho Cairns words describing his experience, are reassuring and I hope that helps.

Having Benny throw up after being kicked would freak me out with worry, but I'm sure you'll watch Benny closely and have him see the vet if he doesn't improve. It makes me sad and of course, angry that people can be so cruel & mean.

I can't imagine how you could have have worked it out with the neighbor as you say you have, but you are certainly a better person than I am and I commend you for that!

Let us know how Benny is doing and look after your finger so you can keep on typing! (I hope the swelling doesn't mean that the finger is infected).


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Benny is doing better today. He is still not himself, but I think he'll be fine by tomorrow or Wednesday at the latest. He is back to his usual spunky self, but he is a little scared of people and does not charge up to them the way he normally does.

I decided that the best way to avoid situations like this in the future is to teach Benny and Sally to not jump on people. They know that they are not supposed to, but they get all crazy and forget everything that they have ever been taught. I'm going to enforce it more. They are actually doing really good just with the few hours of enforcement this evening. I'll outsmart these hardheads...at least thats my plan.

I wanted to kick my neighbor in a very specific place, but I have to live next door to this guy. We talked about the incident and he apologized. I accepted and promised to work on them with their jumping. I figured this was the best course of action for the situation since we live next door to each other. If he does it again...then its a different story.

My finger feels better today, but still hurts. Errr, I guess I am a clutz.

Here is Benny tonight. He is begging for more food...even though he just got fed.


They are too cute!

The world revolves around Benny and Sally...or so they think!

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Idaho Cairns

I sure don't know how you could kick that little dog under any circumstances--even with an apology your neighbors reaction was a bit over the top.

Was there alcohol involved by any chance? I can't imagine a sober and sane person kicking a dog of that size.

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report abuse Houston humane society

I m not sure where you live in texas but the humane society will investage if tell them about what happened to your dog. My brother, my brother's neighbor, and I did something similar. When my brother's next door neighbor kicked his 8 wk old puppy 3 feet. All his puppy did was simply walk up to him then the crazy next door neighbor got in our face. Luckily there was several witnesses we called the police and all of wrote a statement for the humane soicety. Their investagtors actually charged the next door neighbor like $200 for kicking the puppy.

Maybe benny shouldn't of jumped on your neighbor but to kick him so hard where the dog starts shaking sounds a little over the top.


Dogs' lives are too short. Their only fault, really." - Carlotta Monterey O'Neill

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No matter what you have worked out with the neighbor report him anyway. A nice little fine just might save someone elses (or your) dog from getting kicked again. Heck as a bonus he might move away!

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So glad to hear that Benny is doing better.

I can't believe how cruel people can be. I would have been shocked just to witness someone doing something so horrible to any dog. I sure hope that some of the other neighbors who were there said something at the time it happened. If I had been there I would have been all over that guy. How does someone think it is okay the hurt a dog for such a stupid reason. Unless the dog is going to attack there is no excuse. Really shows a persons character.

Probably best to keep Benny and Sally far away from that neighbor, but I am sure Benny will remember that person and be afraid to go near.

I know that dogs should not jump up, but such adorable little ones I can't resist them. They can jump on me all they want.

Love to Benny and Sally

cairn terriers leave pawprints on our lives
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Eeeerrrrrggggghhhhhhh, I'm just steamin'! What an idiot your neighbor is. I would not have been able to control myself and would have given him the hardest kick in the shin. He'd have a bruise for a while to remind him that he kicked my "kid".

North Georgia, USA

Home to Miss Murphy-Cairn mix-born est. Dec.'07

Joined our family on June 16,'09

Dogs leave pawprints on your heart

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Eeeerrrrrggggghhhhhhh, I'm just steamin'! What an idiot your neighbor is. I would not have been able to control myself and would have given him the hardest kick in the shin. He'd have a bruise for a while to remind him that he kicked my "kid".

Atta go Murphy's Mum! I think given the response to this horrid deed there would be a line up :twisted:

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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I'm still in shock after reading this. It's one thing to shove an aggressive/excited dog away with your leg. It's an entirely different matter when the dog is kicked to the point where he flips over, and then throws up. I understand that you have to make nice with a next door neighbor, but who's to say that this hasn't happened before? Reporting him to the humane society might turn up previous offenses, and at least it will put them on alert to any future incidents!

Glad to hear that Benny is mending. I wish we could explain to these furry guys that not everyone appreciates them like we do. Best of luck.

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This is soo terrible!! This neighbor doesn't have dogs himself I hope? I have to admit that you are a bigger person than me, I would not be able to look at him at all!! I understand he is your neighbor but he sounds like an idiot (and that's a nice choice of words). I really hope poor Benny bounces back completely and things get back to normal for him. Poor guy! Did your neighbor explain to you why he felt it was necessary to kick Benny? I would be curious to hear his response...

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Okay, here is an update...

Benny seems to have fully recovered from the incident on Sunday night. He's back to his old self.

My neighbor feels horrible and has apologized a lot for what happened. I accepted his apology. I will keep my dogs away from him, and I certainly won't become best friends with the guy. But, I will be civil with him because I have to live next door to him.

I thought about reporting the incident, but have decided not to report it. I really wanted to because believe me, I was fuming mad at him, but in this situation I feel that not reporting it is the best choice. I know some people might disagree with my decision, but this is what is best right now.

I've used this situation as a wake up call that I need to train Benny and Sally to not jump up on people. I know that Cairn Terriers are bad about jumping on people, but I am determined to train Benny and Sally better manners. I live in an apartment complex with so many people, they need to learn to not jump. We've been working hard on not jumping (and heel too) and they have made MAJOR strides. Basically, if I am not at work I am outside working with them. In the evenings we walk around my apartment complex and go up to as many people as we can. The last time Benny went out to walk around we saw 7 people and he did not jump on any of them. Actually, most of the people he flipped over on his back right away so he could get a belly rub...he loves his belly rubs! Benny and Sally will learn to not jump on people.

The world revolves around Benny and Sally...or so they think!

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But, I will be civil with him because I have to live next door to him.

I thought about reporting the incident, but have decided not to report it. I really wanted to because believe me, I was fuming mad at him, but in this situation I feel that not reporting it is the best choice. I know some people might disagree with my decision, but this is what is best right now.

I'm glad Benny has fully recovered.

I agree that because time has passed you should make nice, nice with the guy next store. However, a quick kick in the shin immedicatly after he kicked Benny would have been called for. I would have been a little loud about it also so people around me knew what he did and why you kicked him back. "hey, you just kicked my dog right off his feet, why did you do that?!"

I hope there isn't a next time with anyone but if there is well..........call me :thumbsup:

North Georgia, USA

Home to Miss Murphy-Cairn mix-born est. Dec.'07

Joined our family on June 16,'09

Dogs leave pawprints on your heart

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Disclaimer: I work in the medical/behavioral end of the criminal justice system, so I see this incident from a different angle. I have one word for a person who would kick a dog so hard that it causes the dog to vomit and tremble in the corner: TROUBLE. Personally, I wouldn't care how many times he apologized and I would avoid him like the plague. You may also want to let your apartment manager know what happened, so if you have any further incidents with this creep, you will at least have a paper trail.

Hope Benny is doing well. One last question: How old is this guy?

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