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Terrier Friends


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It is funny to see Chaka at the dog park. He associates with only certain types of dogs that make him feel comfortable and loves humans that will pet and dote over him. I can't blame them, he's adorable :).

He plays with other terriers that are his size, speedy dogs that may be smaller than him AND the most shocking. HE LOVES HOUNDDOGS. There have been multiple occassions where Chaka goes after the hound dogs to get them to run after him, of course they don't. But the odd couple is so strange. He is totally enamored by them, which makes me wonder, if we ever get a second dog, is a hound dog our fate? LOL.

What kinds of dogs do your terriers play with? Is the hound dog thing just with Chaka?

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We just got back from a trip and wonder of all wonders, the guy next to us in a campground had a beautiful black Cairn male (one of the very few Cairns we have seen in our travels) that simply fascinated our girls--they loved playing with him and actually ganged up a bit on him but it was all in fun.

At the next campground there was a dog park, both for large dogs and small and our dogs had fun with everything from GSD to, wonder of wonders two Scotties which turned out to be their favorites. I have to give it to the Scots, they didn't back up one bit from from my Cairns and gave tit for tat.

I'm not sure the owner was particularly pleased with having her two well groomed little males roughed up but the Scotties sure seemed to enjoy the rough and tumble. I really like watching these Terriers get it on--they just have fun and I was amazed with my dogs--they loved the dog park enclosure, learned how to enter the gates on the first try and went ballistic when we got close to the enclosure.

It is interesting to see dogs interact with each other--it is rare to see any really nasty Behavior, once the butt sniffing was over and done with, those dogs that were interested played with each other and the rest just moved away and did their own thing.

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Piper takes a while to warm up. She is "best friends" with the American Eskimo across the street and has been since she was a puppy. They play often together. But other dogs? She just needs to warm up a bit first, and then she's okay.

Kim,mama to furbaby, Piper 4/13/2003

"Things that upset a terrier may pass virtually unnoticed by a Great Dane." ~ Smiley Blanton

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Our rough and tumble boys will almost always be drawn to the big dogs. They practically ignore the ones their size or smaller. The only exception is Packy's fascination with Daschunds. He LOVES them, although I'm not sure why! We don't have any around us that he's been friends with, but if one comes into a dog park, he can spot them from a mile away and makes a beeline for them.

Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 
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Daschunds - Hounddogs...maybe terriers like short legs? LOL Chaka loves other terriers that look similar to him and loves to play with them the terrier way; dipping, diving, faking them out and then going to the 'safe zone' (which is usually a nearby bench).

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We live in a residential neighborhood with lots of dogs; Pegi loves all dogs bigger than her. She is awful with the small ones; in particular one prissy puddle who walks with her equally prissy "parents". The dog heels all the time; no sniffing, wandering,etc. (what fun is a walk if you just heel)? All other dogs; the bigger the better. Her current favorites are a small beagle, Jack Russell, a small mix breed and a 65 lb. mix...she goes up to their door and barks until the other dog comes out! She's also into a 5 month old golden puppy that started out a little smaller than her; the pup is now 40 lbs. but still rolls onto her back when Pegi comes around! Lots of fun to watch them.

Linda & Pegi

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Buffy has a wide variety of dog park friends, from Great Danes to Pugs to Border Collies. She isn't at all picky about who she plays with as long as they observe the NO MOUNTING rule. Once a dog breaks the rule, he's off her friend list for good! :ermm: Other than that, as long as a dog wants to run, chase and play, she'll gladly join them.

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Dempsy has a cousin coon hound - very long legs. So fun to see those two run together in circles. Dempsy takes short cuts so he can keep up. Then Dempsy has a sister that is a golden lab. She is an old dog, but tolerates Dempsy very well.

I wonder what Demps would do if I took him to a dog park? I will have to do that sometime. But like most of you - Demps just loves all animals. I have yet to see Dempsy kill anything - He has played with frogs & salamanders and he just jumps around them and barks. He is a lover.

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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My little smarty is very interested in other dogs, big and small. We have coon hounds and he really liked the latest puppy, until the puppy got big enough to get the best of him!

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Neither of my boys like little "fluffy" dogs and unfortunately Walter has fear aggression towards big dogs so we have to stick to the small dog side of the dog park.

What I do find is that some of the "other" dogs and especially the owners just don't undertand how terriers play. I love their rough and tumble playing - reminds me of how we used to play when we were kids (remember King of the Hill?)

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mine both like big and small dogs. Scotty is more picky on who he likes though. But he best buds are a boxer and westie/yorkie mix. Angel is such a lover. She loves every one. before I had my break I would take Angel to the dog park a few times a week. Our dog park has a small and big side. We stayed on the small side and I noticed that she tends to hang with the terriers the most. But when there are cairns and westies around they seem to form a little pack. It's really neat to see. once we went and there were 7 other cairns there! :wub: I didn't get any photos of them when they made their own little pack. But I do have some photos when other cairns have been at the dog park!


Angel and Rocky chasing some big dogs on the other side


Skipper{a friend's dog} and a cream colored cairn


Skipper and Duffy


Dogs' lives are too short. Their only fault, really." - Carlotta Monterey O'Neill

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Love the dog park pictures....

Here is Gus with his big buddy Sasha (Great Pyrenees/Malamute who helped to raise him) and little buddy Tucker (yes, a dachshund, who Gus thinks is his personal possession).

His friends come in all sizes, but these are the two he spends the most time with.

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Fergus' pal is Zoe, a mini Schnauzer which I have only recently discovered is a terrier too! She is about the only other dog he bothers with - he either totally ignores them or barks his fool head off at them when he is on the lead.


Veni, vidi, velcro - I came, I saw, I stuck around
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Holly's best friend is my friend's Irish Terrier. She bosses Paddy around though and decides whether she will play or not - quite often she will challenge Paddy and they have a chase around.

The other Cairns Holly knows she will walk with but tends to be a bit aloof from them [think this is from when she lived with 10 other Cairns at the breeders and now thinks she has had enough of them!] but she loves meeting and saying hello to evry dog she meets regardless of size or breed.

A couple of photos of Holly and Paddy - first one when Paddy stayed with me overnight when they were playing together.post-3604-12853586869844_thumb.jpg and then when Holly sat regally on the sofa and told Paddy how to behave!

ps Paddy's ears should have dropped when she was a pup but did not so she would not win as a Irish Terrier but she did win first in a open Terrier competion at a local petshow.

I love the picture of Gus and Tucker - very cute.



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Cute photos! Holly is such a princess. Fergus looks alot like scotty minus the ears in that picture. the photos of gus are too funny.

Here is scotty and his best bud Blade...{Scotty and angel absolutely terrorize him...take his toys, take anything his playing with that they want, make him wait while they drink the water first, and they completely wear him out}



Dogs' lives are too short. Their only fault, really." - Carlotta Monterey O'Neill

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Too cute - looks like Scotty has his eye on a tennis ball in Blade's mouth?

It is funny how they can boss big dogs around. People always laugh when they see Gus jump way up in the air to grab Sasha's ear or neck fur. We think we could teach him to jump up on her back but we figure he torments her enough as it is. Usually one serious "woof" from her and he will back off, as she is like his mom. She even lets him grab stuff out of her food dish and NOBODY messes with Sasha's food dish!

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It's so funny to see who they play with. I think he's still warming up to other bigger dogs. Where he was fostered, I noticed it was all little puppies, so perhaps he's just getting used to the idea. My friend has a Husky puppy, Cody, who just follows little Chaka around constantly, to play. Its funny to see Chaka get annoyed with the big dog running after him constantly.

Right now, he's not getting to play too much, because of this darn cone. Its been the longest week of my life.....I mean his life. LOL :). Can't wait to get the cone off, so he stops running into things and getting confused.

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