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Sweet Moments

Zekey's Mom

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We all know what terrors these little terriers can be, but they can also be awfully sweet sometimes.

Zekey reminded me of this recently -- he lets me have quality cuddle time with one of my cats on my lap. After the cat gets bored and jumps off, Zekey comes over, paws at my lap and looks up at me as if to say "Ok, he had his turn, can I come up now?" It's just so sweet and gentle. :halo:

What do your guys do to remind you that they have an angelic side?

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In the morning when Jock wakes me up.. sits on my chest and has this look of pure rapture on his face that I am his human :hug:

And when I come home from work and no matter how bad the day has gone, this little boy always puts a smile on my face... his ears pasted back on his head, his tail wagging, a big smile on his face and that funny whoo whoo sound he makes when he hasnt seen me for a while

:wub: .

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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Ditto on the "coming home from work" reaction. Buffy meets me at the door with her ears back and tail wagging like crazy, then she runs into the kitchen and flips over on her back so I can rub her belly. Then we have "greeting time" on the couch - Buffy on one side of me and Ziggy on the other. Each one gives me welcome home kisses. It's the highlight of my day! :)

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Well last night I was cooking dinner and I heard a dog playing with something, got distracted and forgot all about it... then came into the living room to find Mettwurst with a pencil next to him.... mind you an 'intact' unchewed pencil!!! I exchanged the pencil for a bullystick and told him what a good boy he was!!

At 5 they are maturing! not every found 'thing' has to be destroyed!

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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Well last night I was cooking dinner and I heard a dog playing with something, got distracted and forgot all about it... then came into the living room to find Mettwurst with a pencil next to him.... mind you an 'intact' unchewed pencil!!! I exchanged the pencil for a bullystick and told him what a good boy he was!!

At 5 they are maturing! not every found 'thing' has to be destroyed!

Wow! I can't wait for maturity!

We were hanging art work over the weekend and the pencil droopped right in front of me. I couldn't get it b/c I was holding up the art with 2 hands. My DH goes to pick up the pencil less than 10 seconds after I dropped it, hmmm, no pencil. I told him to go ask the klepto in the family, and sure enough, that little bugger had the pencil and was getting ready to eat it!

Both of us were standing there when the pencil fell, and neither one saw the furry flash steal it!

And speaking of sweet moments, Murphy really does have his! He gives "Murphy Love" on command (this consists of exuberant kissing and sniffing of faces, ears, neck), will cuddle in the chair in the evening, and must have his relaxing time on the bed before he retires to his box for the night.

I also get a very, very, very warm welcome every day when I get home. We are working on manners right now, and that he can't do the Cairn Death Screech until I pet him. It's unbecoming behavior...LOL

I love my imp!

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Sweet moments - no matter where Gus is when I leave the house, when I return he is always lying on his mat right by the front door. I think that is very sweet.

He is really good about not jumping on my lap until he's invited, but will give me that "ears pasted back, tail wagging" look when he wants up, and will stay for a good long cuddle. He sleeps in his dog bed beside my bed, sometimes in the morning I will call him up for some love.

They really are lovable and loving - I will try to remember that next time he goes berserk when I am watering my flowers because HE wants the hose.

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Both of us were standing there when the pencil fell, and neither one saw the furry flash steal it!

See the furry flash is about 1 foot behind you, out of sight...waiting for somehting to drop.

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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Loving all the descriptions of how happy your cairns are to greet you when you get home. I remember when that used to be the case! Now, Currey is so lazy during the day that he only gets up about 50% of the time when I come home. When he doesn't get up, I go to find him in his usual sleeping place and he goes through the most dramatic yawning and stretching ritual that ends with him stretching out full length "frog dog" then lazily rolling over for a good post-nap belly rub! When he first started to not get up when I came home a couple months ago I was a bit miffed but now I love how mellow he has gotten and have started to love the lazy greeting as much as the happy-tail-wagging-ears-pinned greeting! Its a nice contrast to the spazzy nut he can be sometimes!

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Yeah, Zekey I think is pretty mellow, waiting on a chair by the door. Then, when he sees that it's MY car that just pulled up, he turns into a wiggling machine! Runs around, snorts, barks. One happy little guy.

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Sweet moments - many. Every morning Demps watches the morning news with me, this morning he was having an extra snooze on the couch, I went over and laid a blanket over him and he gave an extra little stretch while sleeping just like a baby would. I also get cuddles. Sometimes he will let me rock him to sleep and yes, the pinned back ears and wagging tail - happy little dogs. The other evening he was playing with hisself on the couch - he was on his back rollin' around - I wondered if he was silly enough to roll off the edge - Yup, he made me giggle.

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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Yeah Miley gives me cuddles, lateley i've been wondering if she's plotting to take over the world or something... she's been so good, no terrible 2's at the moment

I'm praying it will last,

I love her to bits ;)

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paisley has become much sweeter lately. but there was one day where i had a really bad day at work and came home and just cried. she was still a little puppy at that point, but i was holding her and she just licked my nose while i cried. it was so cute. i havent had a bad day at my new job, but i bet she would do the same again! such a sweet dog she's turned out to be!

and i love the descriptions of coming home reactions. paisleys whole body almost wags she is so excited, and those ears are just flat on her head too!

**Ila and Paisley**
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I also get the greeting when I come home from work times 3. I have all three standing with their tails wagging and so happy to see me, just melts my heart. I have to carry Casey (our senior girl) downstairs and she will turn her head to mine and give me the most gentle little kiss as if to say "I love you too mommy". Bailey loves to cuddle with me while I'm watching tv, and Radar is still pretty young and trying to find himself. :innocent:

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Scout is usually too independent and hyper to be overly sweet, but Sparky is sweet to me every single day. My favorite thing is when I'm sitting on the floor for some reason (usually stretching or putting on shoes or something), he'll come right in front of me and lay down on his side, waiting for a belly rub. I, of course, appease him for a few moments before returning to what I was doing. As soon as he realizes that I'm not going to continue to rub him, he starts peddling his paws and squirming and moving closer to my hands until I finally give in and rub him some more. This goes on until I finish what I'm doing. He also does the same thing if I grab my laptop and start typing on it. He'll lay right next to me and use his paws to push my hands around until I'm forced to rub him. It's annoying, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Sparky Jones & Scout Jones
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oh and i forgot! paisley also gives nose kisses like an eskimo. my favorite!! :wub:

**Ila and Paisley**
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Nena also goes crazy when my DH comes home. She watches from the window for his car and barks and howles when he walks in. Then she runs around the house so fast he can't catch her.

But my tender moments are when we are watching tv at night and she comes and cuddles near me and lays her head on my lap!!! melts my heart.

cairn terriers leave pawprints on our lives
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her head on my lap!!! melts my heart

When I picked Zekey up from the SPCA, he hopped in my car and then sat on the passenger seat. Then when I started driving, he climbed into my lap and rested his head on my arm. Talk about hearts melting, I knew I picked the right pooch! :hug:

Now though, he's tethered into his doggy seat. Not as endearing, but easier to drive!

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