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What kind of Cairn do you have?

Oliver's Mom

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I searched for a previous topic on this and could not find it, so I thought maybe I made it up in my head that I read it before :) . Sorry if this is a repeat...

I have been reading posts from a multitude of Cairn owners like myself and taking note on all of the different "Cairnitudes" that we all have living among us. Anyway, I notice some have "defective" one's and others have "true" Cairns. I seem to have one that falls into the slightly-defective category. ;)

Oliver would rather lay around ALL DAY and be a bum than do anything Cairn-like. He hates, I mean HATES, water. If it is raining he is not walking, not even to pee (I couldn't imagine him jumping into a lake like some pic's I have seen). He will not even step foot into the bathroom because that's where the water is.

If we go out to the field with a 30 foot leash for him to run around, he would rather jump up on us to be picked up and held. He seems to be much more of a lap dog than anything. He is such a wimp when it comes to some things. If a leash gets wrapped around his leg, he yelps, if "Daddy" steps near him when he's not paying attention and Oliver steps on Daddy's foot, Oliver yelps like he was stepped on. :D

Don't get me wrong, he definitely has Cairn qualities. He is stubborn as hell. " If you say come and I don't want to, I will not move". Squirrels and bunnies are the enemy and he must destroy all of them! Dogs are the other enemy, he must control all of them. "Obviously, this is my world. Didn't you get the memo?"

He may have his quirks but we love him soo much. I wouldn't change anything (well, maybe a couple things :))! I have to say that I am 100% addicted to the world of Cairns and will always hold a special place in my heart for these little fiesty guys (and girls). :hug:

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Idaho Cairns

Not to worry, my first Cairn was just as you described Oliver. We called her "The Princess" because she was so prissy when it came to getting wet, stepping in mud, getting her fur ruffled, or getting too excited about anything. She sort of lived in her own little Cairn world, never chased a squirrel or another dog, liked people but would keep her distance at times. Little Tootsie or "Toots" as she was known was all Cairn in attitude but she had her points of difference from the other dogs we have had although she trained most of them how to get along with humans and did it very well! She kept us laughing and loving her for many years and opened the door of our hearts for five more Cairns. God bless her, she was a absolute DANDY dog! RIP.


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Pegi also hates the water. We just had 3 days of rain (6" in all) and she peed in the house at least once a day as she didn't want to go out! She's also very stubburn, hates any dog smaller than she is (she's 18 lbs), loves big dogs, won't chase a ball (what kind of dog doesn't like balls?) but loves dirty socks, underwear (well, at least mine and my daughters; doesn't much care for hubby's tidy whities) and shoes; doesn't like to ride in the car (again, what's with that?). She loves to be outside (especially with the nice weather finally coming to Mass) and will run around until she drops at about 9 PM.

This is our first cairn, so I'm not sure if she is a "true" or "defective" cairn, but she definitely is a piece of work and lots of fun!

Linda & Pegi

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:thumbsup:Since Zekey's a mix, it must show up in his personality. He can be a total couch potato, and likes nothing better to do than lay in the sunny front window to keep tabs on the neighbors. But he also likes long walks and hikes, and gets plenty muddy. He loves to go down by the water and walk along creeks, but so far it's been too cold for him to plunge in. He runs around like crazy in the back yard -- his favorite game is chase, which gives me a lot of exercise! And I think he's just perfect!

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Brattwrust hates water! If he smells rain he refuses to walk out the front door... I have to push him!!

Bratt will hang under the roof overhang around the house if its raining and refuse to budge out from under it!

Mett on the other hand could care less if it's raining.. he's up for a walk at anytime.

If I drag Bratt out in the rain, he has his ears down and is unhappy.... he will head towards the house at everyone moment he can!

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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They all sound like Cairns to me!

Packy pays little attention to the squirrels and chipmunks looking at them out the window, but he will make a half-hearted attempt to catch them outside. To Kirby, however, they are rodents and need to be destroyed. Both don't care if it's raining, whether it's a drizzle or monsoon. Outside? Yep, we'll go! Both love playing in the lake and are great swimmers. Packy is the fishing dog and Kirby is learning. Yes, it's weird that Packy fishes, but he seems to have transferred his ratting instincts to fish. He will go for a rat at Earthdog though.

Packy is more stubborn and much more serious. He'll come if he feels like it or if I'm holding a steak. Kirby almost always comes and you can just hear him saying, "I'll do it! Okay, I'll come! What are we going to do next?" He's got a very happy, playful personality. Both like to play, but Packy is the couch potato. Kirby never stops until around 9:00 p.m.

Yep, they all sound like Cairns to me!

Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 
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I think Bailey is pretty much a "true cairn". My previous cairn was also prissy, but was very indenpendent. Bailey loves the outdoors, kind of tunes everyone out while outside. Loves to go on walks and can go for ever, protects the household from all evil creatures and thinks all company came to see HIM. But he is also a lover and our first lap dog, listens to us (for the most part) and loves being with us, his tail never stops wagging. He will go out in the rain to make a run around the yard and do his business unless it's a really driving rain like last week then he won't go for anything. I'm not really sure if he will go into the water yet, I want to try this summer.

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Holly does not like going out in the rain - and if I try walking her in it - no way! She sits down and refuses to move............. but when at lake she likes to paddle! Walks in country park are great treats not required, walks round my estate are a stop, start, sit down, look pathetic, start again and she likes a bit of treat to keep her going! She is interested in squirrels/rabbits and would like to chase them and cats too if I gave her the chance, but no interest in birds/ducks. But if she decides she is not moving then she will not move. She will play with her toys if I start her off but does not have any interest in balls.

If I let her she would lie on the coach in living room all day with occasionally keeping a watch for anyone walking past with dogs so she can jump down and rush to door barking [how she knows there is a dog I don't know, and why she thinks she has to tell them to keep away I am not sure]. She has a very even temperment.

Loves meeting other dogs and people and she does the pathetic look to a fine art so people fuss her and tell her how lovely she is!

I think she is a slightly defective Cairn but love her whatever she does [even when she drives me mad on walks with stubbornness]and think all her behavious is part of her personality. :thumbsup:


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I don't think they is such a thing as a defective cairn.

Angel has more the personalty of that she think she is a princess. She used to hate getting in to the swimming pool. now she doesn't mind it. It really depends on her mood on if she wants in the water. She doesn't mind walking in the rain however she doesn't like peeing in the grass when it rains and will try picking up her back legs. It is pretty amusing to watch. Angel likes to be the center of attention and is a social butterfly. Loves everyone and every dog even if they don't like her. She is hyper but not too hyper I guess she is kinda in the middle she isn't a couch potato but she isn't like psycho hyper like scotty is either. She listen really good for a cairn and even comes when called. Which came in handy when she got loose and a car was coming. which scared the crap out of me. She isn't really a barker. Though she will bark/growl when she is playing and only if something really startles her. She likes chassing critters but she isn't obsessed with finding them/chasing them. She is very sneaky you can't leave anything out. I left some food on the dinner table while i went to the bathroom. Came back and she had jumped on the chair knocked over the food and ate my whole burrito. Then acted like she didn't do anything. Angel also likes laying on people laps. I think she thinks we are her furniture. lol

Scotty is more like the typical cairn. His personality is like a Denis the menace. He LOVES water. Doesn't matter how deep it is or what is in the water he will jump in it no matter what. He dosen't care about the rain he loves water and loves getting muddy. He loves toys and loves playing. He thinks any throw able is a ball. Such as bottled water, boxes, socks ...ect. He is more interested in playing with his ball than he is with playing with others. He is obsessed with critters. When we are outside that is all he is doing. Either he is chasing them or trying to find them. He barks all the time he likes to talk alot. He likes to chase anything that moves. He is obsessed with bright lights found out the hard way that includes fire and firecrackers. He doesn't not come when called at all. It doesn't matter if your holding prime rib he doesn't care. Everything is adventure with him and coming when called doesn't sound like a good time when there are so many new and exciting things he hasn't seen. He is so hyper that I haven't been able to wear him out...EVER. We have left him in my MIL's back yard for 8 hours and not once did he stop running. By the time we got home he wasn't even tired. Because as soon as we got home he grabbed his ball and wanted to pass. LOL He is very funny he is very mischievous . He loves the treadmill. He likes it so much that now I can't even get on it by myself. He jumps on it with me every time. He inhales all of his food. It eats all of it under a minute. If I am cooking and drop something it never even hits the floor b/c he has already ate it. Scotty doesn't really like being held or being in laps. Though if I want him to be in my lap he will tolerate but he lets me know he REALLY wants up.

Angel and Scotty have very different personalities but they are inseparable. They play together like brother and sisters do. It is very cute. They like sleeping on each other too.


Dogs' lives are too short. Their only fault, really." - Carlotta Monterey O'Neill

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Zach is definitely a lovey dog, but not a big lap dog/cuddler. He'll sit on the couch with us for a few minutes then he's off racing to investigate something or crawl into a dog bed. Even when we leave his crate door open at night, he prefers to sleep on the floor or in his crate rather than on the bed. I can honestly say he has NEVER dug in his entire life. I've never seen him even attempt to dig, but he does have a very strong prey drive.

Kintra Cairns

Home of Multi-Group Winning Ch. Paragon's Stately Affair CD RN CGC "Zach"

And ZaZa, the Min Pin

Canine Chronicle article - "Through the Storm" about my first journey to Westminster


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Kenna is a typical Cairn, but neurotic to boot. She doesn't care about rain, will swim in lakes, though with caution, but thinks water coming out of a water hose must be attacked at all costs. She is obsessive-compulsive about running in backyards. I think her record is 14 hours. She actually gets blisters on her paws and her chin from sniffing as she runs. She is totally ball obsessed. Couldn't care less about dogs at the dog park if there's a tennis ball to be found. She also loves eviscerating stuffed toys, though playing fetch with her "squirrel" or "cheetah bone" are 2 of her favorite activities, even though she's eviscerated them too. We don't have stuffed toys lying around our place, just the "skins." She goes crazy over the neighborhood squirrel outside the window and chases cats, including ours. Come has always escaped her, though she finally mastered stay if you say it like you REALLY mean it. On occasion, she will lay down next to you, but she'd rather sleep on the floor. She has no problem seeking attention and a good scratch but then she's off to do her own thing. Currently that is sitting at the window watching, smelling, and listening to the passing birds, traffic, people, etc. And she definitely enjoys barking.

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I think Tillie is mostly a true cairn. She is extremely independent. She doesn't want to be held or be a lap dog. She is very stubborn most of the time and she is so nosey. She has to know exactly what u r doing and what everything is and she has to "help" with everything. She hates the rain but she loves to go canoeing with us and will get in the water and play especially if everyone else and the our friends dogs are in the water. She loves absolutely everyone, people and dogs. But if another dog starts something she is all about defending herself. She has never started a fight tho. The squirrels torment her to no end. She loves rolling in nasty things and getting dirty. She is a professional begger from the day I got her before I ever gave her any people food. And she is totally obsessed with her toys, especially ball. She could play ball 12 hours a day if we would throw it for her.

True cairn or not we think she is just perfect. She makes me laugh out loud absolutely every day.

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Cairns, like all dogs, each have their own personality and I don't think any of them are defective. Buffy lives up to every Cairn trait in the book except digging - she has shown absolutely no interest in it. Other than that, she's stubborn, independent, feisty, playful and energetic. Oh . . . and she has "selective hearing", too. :P

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Miley doesnt mind rain,when I give her a bath she hates it. Hates any rubber toy except the ball she came to us

with and and now likes her Kong dumbell, other than that it's food on the brain 24/7. She loves her "Miley Time" at night, loves men and all humans in general I think and loves getting attention and she talks alot- what is that about. My dad thinks it's her feeling like she's a part of our pack, she doesn't listen worth a darn unless there's a treat involved

But she's wormed her way in my heart, couldn't imagine being without her

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One day while reading about dogs I ran across this description of a Shiba Inu (small Akita). Most owners said the same thing, if their dog could say one word it would be "MINE". Shibas think everything belongs to them, clothes, shoes, furniture, etc. Once they have it you are not getting it back.

If a Cairn could say one word, I think it would be "NO". Enough said, you all know how stubborn they are.

So if your Cairn says "NO" to you, you have a perfectly normal healthy Cairn. Couch potato or olympic champion, water dog or water wuss, hunter or gatherer, the only defective Cairn is one that says "YES" and obeys your every command.

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I love hearing about everyone's personalities!! Though I called Oliver "broken" I wouldn't want to "fix" him either. I love everything about him because it is what makes him our pup :)

I forget who wrote that their Cairn isn't at all interested in balls...we have one here too! I bought him all kinds of balls and such when we brought him home and he only plays with one of them, a stuffed bone that all of the stuffing has now fallen out of. He is very particular with the toys he'll play with. Funny guy.

To be honest, I don't think there are any "defective" one's either, just big personalities in little bodies (but don't tell them their little :))

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Packy isn't much interested in balls. What interest he shows is just in tearing off the fuzzy covering on tennis balls. Kirby will play a few times, then he loses the ball and Packy gets it, only to start de-nuding it. Our first Cairn, Willie, was a tennis ball king. He would play fetch as many times as you'd throw it. He was really good at it, too. He could have been a goalie, the way he'd cut it off or jump up and get it mid-air.

Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 
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IGOTAHOME, lol!!! That's so true! Or if they manage a yes, it's on their time table.

Reading all these posts are so much fun!

So Tuk-tuk doesn't like to go out in the rain, we don't get much in AZ, but will do it cause I always give him treats. But only because he looks sooo miserable out there trying to pee blinking his little eyes in the rain! He does like to swim though! We were hiking around a lake one day and all the sudden this HUGE jerk on the leash towards the lake almost pulled me in! Tuk had just jumped in! We were walking and then he was swimming! He doesn't mind getting dirty and loves baths. He sits and stares at me every day while I shower hoping for a bath. Also loves, loves the groomer! He's a lap dog when we're on the couch. He's out running when we go out. He likes to play with bugs so I never have crickets in the house, but I have to watch for scorpoins. He's the cutest dog at the dog park cause he loves to RUN around meeting all the dogs and people with a huge smile. He likes my cats. The cats like him! Lol. Of course he's stubborn, can be independant. Hates car rides but loves wherever we've gone to. Sits like a very good boy if we eat in the car, so I always give him a little food at the end. Is just the best dog with kids...I'm always so proud of him and people are always so amazed. He's a comedian too, always makes people laugh which I just love about him. And he's obsessed by trash and dirty laundry! Doesn't jump or bark too much or chase little critters (mostly cause we just don't have any around here). I think that makes him a middle of the road Cairn...or rather the perfect Cairn! lol

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