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My Jax 8/11/98 to 9/7/09


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We loved our Cairn ... He was a joy and loads of fun... He passed away on 9/7/09 due to kidney failure... it was heartbreaking, shocking and devastating. He was a powerhouse and was the center of attention in our home... He is greatly missed.

I hope he is happy at Rainbow Bridge and I hope to see him again...

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Idaho Cairns

I understand the heart rending loss that comes with losing a pet. Best cure? Mine has to immediately find another Cairn to love--getting a puppy has never failed to ease the pain. The greatest tribute to Jax would be to open your home to another dog. None are the same in personality but all are alike in the way they please us.

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I'm sorry for your loss. It is always so difficult when we lose our best furry friend. I'm sure he is happy, and I believe we do see all our loved ones - especially the furry ones - again.

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We are so sorry for the loss of your beloved Jax. You have our deepest sympathy.

North Georgia, USA

Home to Miss Murphy-Cairn mix-born est. Dec.'07

Joined our family on June 16,'09

Dogs leave pawprints on your heart

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So sorry to hear of the loss of your dear friend~you will be in our thoughts and prayers.

Becky & Tanner
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  • 1 month later...

It is so terribly painful to lose a beloved pet. The longing to hold him in your arms just one more time can be so overwhelming. I just wanted you to know I have you and Jax in my thoughts, and I understand your sorrow. I am sure Jax is at the Bridge watching over you until it is time for you to be reunited. Oh, what a glorious day that will be!


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oh I am so so very sorry for your loss of jax :crybaby:


Dogs' lives are too short. Their only fault, really." - Carlotta Monterey O'Neill

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I am sorry for your loss, I certainly understand it as I just lost Winfrey two months ago. It's so very hard to lose them- but so much worse to see them not feeling well. Take care and I hope you find another to share your life with.


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