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My heart is broken....


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I had to put down my beloved cat, Bubba, this morning. We rushed him to the vet this morning. He developed a blood clot that was causing paralysis of his hind legs and there was no hope for recovery....

He was one in a million....I can't stop the tears....



Cathy and Piper

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My condolences on the loss of your beloved Bubba. Making the decision to end a pets suffering is a very tough thing to do but sometimes it is an unavoidable part of being a pet owner. Personally, I have had to make that decision 6 times over the last 30 years with dogs that I loved and were members of my family. You love and cherish them, and do the best that you can for them when they are with you and when the time comes to say goodbye, whether naturally or otherwise, you try to console yourself in knowing that this little creature was loved and cherished and lived a wonderful life and was kept from suffering, a fate that many humans are not afforded. I still miss all of my dogs that have gone on, but I have wonderful memories of all them and as time goes on, your hurt will ease and your memories of Bubba will sustain you. I would like to recommend a poem to you called "The Rainbow Bridge". It was written for dog owners on the loss of their pets, but I'm sure it can apply to our feline friends as well. You can find it in Yahoo search.

God Bless you Cathy and help you through your grief!


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Cathy, I'm so very sorry. Losing a beloved pet is never easy. :(

Kim,mama to furbaby, Piper 4/13/2003

"Things that upset a terrier may pass virtually unnoticed by a Great Dane." ~ Smiley Blanton

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Cathy, I too am so sorry for your loss and know too well the pain you feel. From my own experience, I'm not sure it ever gets better, you just learn to live w/ it and you keep your baby alive in your heart and in your mind.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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I am so sorry to hear of your loss. We had to put our beloved dog to sleep 2.5 years ago and I was surprised how hard I took the loss. Our pets become part of our family and having to say goodbye is heart breaking. My thoughts are with you .

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Hi! May the happy memories you shared with your beloved cat help sustain you in this time of sadness. . . . . so sorry for your loss.

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I know exactly what you are feeling. I had to put to sleep my 16yr old cat Phoebe in March. Max my cairn would sit on the edge of the bed for the longest time waiting for her to come. He would look for her and lay around with no energy. I too didn't think my heart would ever be one again but now as the time has passed a little, I can look at her pictures and smile at all the funny things she did. I will always miss her and be so thankful for all the wonderful years I got to have her in my life. You to will find this peace when the time is right. Bubba is not suffering anymore and will watch over you until it is time to be reunited. I have posted a poem that was taken from the cat forum. It was written by one of the members to share with all of us who have suffered the loss of our furry loved ones.

If It Should Be

If it should be that I grow frail and weak

And pain should wake me from my sleep

Then you must do what must be done

For this last battle can't be won.

You will be sad: I understand

Don't let your grief stay your hand

For this day, more than all the rest

Your love and friendship stand the test.

We've had so many years

What is to come will hold no fears

You'd not want me to suffer, so

When the time comes, please let me go.

I know in time you too will see

It is a kindness you do for me

Although my tail its last has waved

From pain and suffering I've been saved.

Do not grieve that it should be you

Who has to decide this thing to do

We've been close -we two- these years

Don't let your heart hold any tears.

Take care,



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Please accept my deepest sympathy also. I lost a beloved cat who was hit by a car not so long ago. The pain does go away....it just takes time.

Just think of the wonderful life you gave Bubba. That he never knew hunger or loneliness. That he had companionship and love and care and nurturing. That's all any of us can do for our pets and when the time comes for them to move on, we have to believe that someday we shall all meet again.

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Thank you so much, everyone.

I just can't believe he is gone. We had him 13 wonderful years and he was such a 'fixture' in our house. Always with me when I went to get ready for bed in the bathroom (wanted a drink out of the faucet). Always slept with me...every night. Always slept in the kitchen (busiest place in the house) during the day. He was just ALWAYS there....

Mornings and nights have been the hardest....I even called for him yesterday. I actually forgot he was gone for a sec. And, of course, the tears started to roll all over again.

We received condolence cards from some friends that came to love him almost as much as we did. And, we got one from our vet today. So thoughtful....

We have had to put down many animals over the years.....4 cats now. We always had 'time' to think it over as they aged and the 'time had come'. But, this time it happened so suddenly. He was fine at 8am when hubby got up. By 8:30, he was yowling in pain. I believe that is why this has hit me so hard. No warning whatsoever.

I know he felt loved and we gave him the gift of 13 years of life. The breeder we got him from was going to put him down at birth as he was a bit deformed. He was born with bowlegs. And, for an Abyssinian, well, that isn't good for breeding.

But, when we walked in to the breeder's house that morning, he was lying on his back basking in the sun. And, hubby said, "we'll take THAT one". The breeder tryed to talk us out of him as she was worried that he would have health issues. But, we took him to the vet and he said not to worry...that he'd have no physical problems besides lookin' kinda funny. Hence, the name "Bubba". He looked just like a football player-big and brawny....and bowlegged! Not your typical lean Abby, for sure.

This is pic of how we first saw him as a kitten basking in the sun....only this was just a few years ago.


I am really gonna miss him.....

Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers,


Cathy and Piper

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Cathy, I'm so sorry for your loss. I know the pain you are feeling. I still miss Zoe and it's been four months now. After reading your story on how you became Bubba's family, I can't help but think how wonderful you found eachother. You saved him from certain early death, and look how many years of joy he gave you back? I hope that with time you will feel less pain when you think of him. Hugs.


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