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Scrappy, 1992-2009


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In Aug 2007 I was contacted by a gentleman about 4 cairn terriers in the custody of his ex-wife - Scrappy-15, Puddles & Scruffberry-11, & their puppy Puppy. He said she was having emotional problems & was threatening to have all but Scrappy put down, she had actually made an appointment. I talked to her, & she told me all sorts of wild things (her ex had warned me) - that they would viciously attack anyone who came to the house, that she was cruel to them if they challenged her, etc. At the time, she would not give them up, but she didn't follow thru on having them put down.

This past Feb, I saw them on craigslist. I emailed but got no response. However, they were listed again in April, & this time I was able to make contact. It turns out the woman had died in Feb, and the dogs were living alone in the house, w/someone stopping by a couple times a day. It took until mid-June, but I was finally able to get Scrappy and Scruffy (enormous thanks to Erica Cerny of scottie rescue and her husband for picking them up in NJ and meeting me in CT). They had found a home for Puddles, & the woman's daughter was keeping Puppy.

Scrappy lived peaceably with me here in NH from mid-June until Friday. He was fine when I went to bed at 1am Thurs morning, but was vomiting when I woke up at 8, & it was clear he wasn't going to pull out of it. My vet thinks he had cancer. I took him in Friday afternoon and was there when he slipped away, w/Rocky Raccoon playing on the office radio, somehow appropriate. It was very peaceful, & I drove him to the crematorium.

I talked to his owner Sam yesterday, & he said he and his ex had gotten Scrappy from a pet store when he was about 6 months old. They had a 35-40 lb. beagle-shepherd mix at the time, & the first thing Scrappy did when he walked in the door was attack him, altho they became good friends. Sam said Scrappy was his ex-wife's baby and always top dog. He and Scruffy didn't always get along, they had a few scraps over the years.

They hung out together here, but each kind of went their own way, and every now and then, Scruffy would growl at Scrappy, who by this point, was kind of oblivious at age 17. Sam said Scruffy was always the #3 dog, after Scrappy and Puddles, but he probably sensed he might be able to make a move.

I don't feel that I got to know Scrappy all that well, he basically was just interested in eating and sleeping, altho he seemed to enjoy life and doddered around a little, but he seemed very sweet, and he will be missed. Scrappy's ashes are being sent to me, and Sam is going to let me know if his daughter wants them. If not, he'll stay with me.

BTW, Scrappy and Scruffy were/are anything but vicious, and neither of them acted/acts like they have ever been mistreated. Sam said his ex treated them better than she treated him and their children, so I would say that what she told me was an effect of her emotional instability.


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he looks like a lost but innocent soul. i shudder to think what would have happened to this basically good guy if kind people had not been standing by to help. thanks to you he had more life than he could have found in his former circumstances. he had an honorable end, thanks to you.

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Thank goodness for you, Katie. The world would be meaningless and empty without compassionate, selfless people such as you. Thank you for giving Scrappy and Scruffy a forever home, but most of all, thank you for loving them. God bless and keep you, and hold you in the palm of His hand as you mourn your special boy. My thoughts are with you.


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Thanks for your kind soul and helping an old boy find someone who could care for him in his last days. To go quickly is better than hanging around and really not being able to enjoy life..having old ones I feel for the old guy and don't look forward to what may be ahead. Seventeen is a good amount of years..again thank you and God bless all that care for those who cannot speak (English).

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