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Science Daily: Dog News

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Census shows which mammals survive in forests surrounded by sugarcane plantations

A census of medium and large mammals found in 22 forest remnants surrounded by sugarcane plantations in the state. They found approximately 90% of all the species of mammals expected for São Paulo State but in smaller forest fragments, the researchers recorded only 20 percent - 50 percent of the species expected to occur across the region. This means that up to 80 percent were locally extinct in some cases. View the source article

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Outnumbered and on others' turf, misfits sometimes thrive

Evolutionary biologists have long assumed that when an individual of a species wanders into a different environment than it is adapted to, it will be at a competitive disadvantage compared to natives of the same species which are adapted to that environment. Studying fish in Canada, scientists found the opposite. View the source article

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Wolves need space to roam to control expanding coyote populations

Wolves and other top predators need large ranges to be able to control smaller predators whose populations have expanded, according to a new study. The results were similar across three continents, showing that as top predators' ranges were cut back and fragmented, they were no longer able to control smaller predators. View the source article

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Pet dogs help kids feel less stressed

Pet dogs provide valuable social support for kids when they're stressed, according to a study by researchers, who were among the first to document stress-buffering effects of pets for children. View the source article

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The family dog could help boost physical activity for kids with disabilities

The family dog could serve as a partner and ally in efforts to help children with disabilities incorporate more physical activity into their daily lives. A case study of one 10-year-old boy with cerebral palsy and his family's dog, found the intervention program led to a wide range of improvements for the child. View the source article

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Novel antibiotic resistance gene in milk

A new antibiotic resistance gene has been found in bacteria from dairy cows. This gene confers resistance to all beta-lactam antibiotics including the last generation of cephalosporins used against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. A transfer to S. aureus which is likely according to the researchers would jeopardize the use of reserve antibiotics to treat human infections caused by multidrug-resistant bacteria in hospitals. View the source article

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The evolution of dog breeds now mapped

When people migrate, Canis familiaris travels with them. Piecing together the details of those migrations has proved difficult because the clues are scattered across the genomes of hundreds of dog breeds. However, in a new report, researchers have used gene sequences from 161 modern breeds to assemble an evolutionary tree of dogs. The map of dog breeds, which is the largest to date, unearths new evidence that dogs traveled with humans across the Bering land bridge. View the source article

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Tarantula wolf spiders use their lateral eyes to calculate distance

A necessary part of any animal's sense of direction is a positioning system, allowing it to have an idea of the relation between where it is and where it wants to go; this is known as odometry. A new study shows that tarantula wolf spiders (Lycosa tarantula) use their posterior lateral eyes and anterior lateral eyes (they have a total of four pairs of eyes) to establish the distance they have traveled. View the source article

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Sandy the dingo wins world's most interesting genome competition

A wild-born, pure Australian desert dingo called Sandy Maliki has taken out first place in the World's Most Interesting Genome competition. The UNSW-led proposal to have Sandy's DNA decoded beat four other finalists for the Pacific Biosciences SMRT Grant, which provides cutting-edge sequencing of the complete genome of a particularly fascinating plant or animal. View the source article

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You spy with your little eye, dogs can adopt the perspective of humans

Humans are able to interpret the behavior of others by attributing mental states to them (and to themselves). By adopting the perspectives of other persons, they can assume their emotions, needs and intentions and react accordingly. In the animal kingdom, the ability to attribute mental states (Theory of Mind) is a highly contentious issue. Cognitive biologists could demonstrate with a new test procedure that dogs are not only able to identify whether a human has an eye on a food source and, the

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Pet exposure may reduce allergy and obesity

If you need a reason to become a dog lover, how about their ability to help protect kids from allergies and obesity? A new study showed that babies from families with pets -- 70 per cent of which were dogs -- showed higher levels of two types of microbes associated with lower risks of allergic disease and obesity. View the source article

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The redomestication of wolves

Gray wolves provide an important case study for understanding ecosystem effects when apex predators reoccupy their former ranges. These species often rely on anthropogenic food sources, which has broad implications for ecosystem restoration efforts and the possibility of human-wildlife conflict. View the source article

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Raccoon dog represents a more acute risk than raccoon as vector for transmission of local parasites

The raccoon and the raccoon dog are two non-indigenous animal species that have become established in Europe in the past decades. Their increasing abundance has not only made them the most common carnivore species in some countries, but has also made them of interest to parasitologists as potential hosts for diseases. A team of researchers has now analyzed samples from both species in Austria. The raccoon dog, which is more closely related to the fox, was shown to serve as an additional host for

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Stopping Zika from crossing the placenta

Although the World Health Organization ended its global health emergency on Zika last November, the virus could still make a comeback this summer. Researchers report that they may have figured out how this virus invades the placenta, where it can cause birth defects, and they are taking steps to develop strategies that block its access. View the source article

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Zika virus protein mapped to speed search for cure

A team of scientists has mapped a key protein that causes the Zika virus to reproduce and spread. Results of this study advance efforts to find drugs in fight against the disease, say scientists. View the source article

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