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Science Daily: Dog News

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How old is your dog in human years? New method better than 'multiply by 7'

How old is your tail-wagging bundle of joy in human years? According to the well-known ''rule of paw,'' one dog year is the equivalent of 7 years. Now scientists say it's wrong. Dogs are much older than we think, and researchers devised a more accurate formula to calculate a dog's age based on the chemical changes in the DNA as organisms grow old.http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/sciencedaily/plants_animals/dogs/~4/UpW38Ctm1Xw View the source article

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How old is your dog in human years? New method better than 'multiply by 7'

How old is your tail-wagging bundle of joy in human years? According to the well-known ''rule of paw,'' one dog year is the equivalent of 7 years. Now scientists say it's wrong. Dogs are much older than we think, and researchers devised a more accurate formula to calculate a dog's age based on the chemical changes in the DNA as organisms grow old. View the source article

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Sled dogs are closely related to 9,500-year-old 'ancient dog'

Sled dogs are much older and have adapted to Arctic conditions much earlier than previously thought. Researchers show that ancestors of modern sled dogs have worked and lived with humans for over 9,500 years.http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/sciencedaily/plants_animals/dogs/~4/m-fg8h57IG0 View the source article

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Dangerous tick-borne bacterium extremely rare in New Jersey

There's some good news in New Jersey about a potentially deadly tick-borne bacterium. Researchers examined more than 3,000 ticks in the Garden State and found only one carrying Rickettsia rickettsii, the bacterium that causes Rocky Mountain spotted fever. But cases of tick-borne spotted fevers have increased east of the Mississippi River, and more research is needed to understand why.http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/sciencedaily/plants_animals/dogs/~4/woG0wyJ25wg View the source article

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Dangerous tick-borne bacterium extremely rare in New Jersey

There's some good news in New Jersey about a potentially deadly tick-borne bacterium. Researchers examined more than 3,000 ticks in the Garden State and found only one carrying Rickettsia rickettsii, the bacterium that causes Rocky Mountain spotted fever. But cases of tick-borne spotted fevers have increased east of the Mississippi River, and more research is needed to understand why. View the source article

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'Cooperative' and 'independent' dog breeds may not react differently to unfair outcomes

Cooperative-worker dog breeds do not appear to respond more negatively to unfair outcomes than do independent-worker breeds, according to a new study. Although the sample size was small, the results do not support the hypothesis that inequity aversion and cooperation co-evolved.http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/sciencedaily/plants_animals/dogs/~4/M0f01tEjXZU View the source article

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Digitize your dog into a computer game

Researchers have developed motion capture technology that enables you to digitize your dog without a motion capture suit and using only one camera. View the source article

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Digitize your dog into a computer game

Researchers have developed motion capture technology that enables you to digitize your dog without a motion capture suit and using only one camera.http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/sciencedaily/plants_animals/dogs/~4/cpDnwZskdhw View the source article

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Yes, your dog wants to rescue you

Imagine you're a dog. Your owner is trapped in a box and is crying out for help. Are you aware of his despair? If so, can you set him free? And what's more, do you really want to? That's what researchers wanted to know when they gave dogs the chance to rescue their owners. View the source article

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Yes, your dog wants to rescue you

Imagine you're a dog. Your owner is trapped in a box and is crying out for help. Are you aware of his despair? If so, can you set him free? And what's more, do you really want to? That's what researchers wanted to know when they gave dogs the chance to rescue their owners.http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/sciencedaily/plants_animals/dogs/~4/8_9Dhfd_bXM View the source article

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Fearful Great Danes provide new insights to genetic causes of fear

Researchers have identified a new genomic region and anxiety-related candidate genes associated with fearfulness in dogs. Findings support their hypothesis that fearfulness and anxiety are hereditary traits in dogs, and there may be shared factors underlying anxiety in both humans and dogs. View the source article

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Fearful Great Danes provide new insights to genetic causes of fear

Researchers have identified a new genomic region and anxiety-related candidate genes associated with fearfulness in dogs. Findings support their hypothesis that fearfulness and anxiety are hereditary traits in dogs, and there may be shared factors underlying anxiety in both humans and dogs.http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/sciencedaily/plants_animals/dogs/~4/AcZyg-_jFd8 View the source article

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CBD improves arthritis symptoms in dogs

This study shows that in dogs diagnosed with arthritis, CBD treatment significantly improved quality of life as documented by both owner and veterinarian assessments. View the source article

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Why cats have more lives than dogs when it comes to snakebite

Cats are twice as likely to survive a venomous snakebite than dogs, and the reasons behind this strange phenomenon have just been revealed. The research team compared the effects of snake venoms on the blood clotting agents in dogs and cats, hoping to help save the lives of our furry friends.http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/sciencedaily/plants_animals/dogs/~4/spQkV4_Bgds View the source article

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Why cats have more lives than dogs when it comes to snakebite

Cats are twice as likely to survive a venomous snakebite than dogs, and the reasons behind this strange phenomenon have just been revealed. The research team compared the effects of snake venoms on the blood clotting agents in dogs and cats, hoping to help save the lives of our furry friends. View the source article

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Saving livestock by thinking like a predator

Humans have struggled to reduce the loss of livestock to carnivores for thousands of years, and yet, solutions remain elusive. According to a new study, solving this ancient puzzle requires going back to Ecology 101. Simply put, getting in the mind of predators -- considering how they hunt, how their prey behaves and the landscape -- will help wildlife managers discourage wild carnivores from preying on valuable livestock. View the source article

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Dogs can detect traces of gasoline down to one billionth of a teaspoon

Trained dogs can detect fire accelerants such as gasoline in quantities as small as one billionth of a teaspoon, according to new research by chemists. The study provides the lowest estimate of the limit of sensitivity of dogs' noses and has implications for arson investigations. View the source article

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The movie 'Jurassic Park' got it wrong: Raptors don't hunt in packs

A new analysis of raptor teeth shows that raptorial dinosaurs likely did not hunt in big, coordinated packs like dogs. Though widely accepted, evidence for this behavior is relatively weak. Recently, scientists have proposed a different model for behavior in raptors that is thought to be more like Komodo dragons, in which individuals may attack the same animal but cooperation is limited. View the source article

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Stress in parents of children with autism: Pets may help

While current events have increased stress for all families, parents of children with autism report higher levels of stress on average than parents of typically developing kids. Feeling overwhelmed and overburdened by various responsibilities, some parents turn to pets as a source of comfort and support. View the source article

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