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This is sort of embarrassing...I can be on the couch holding otis and he will be chewing on his toy and without any warning he will start start peeing....a lot. There is no warning or anything. He has done this with other people too. Help

Otis' dad

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How old is Otis? Is he house trained? Does he go potty outside when you take him out? How long has he been doing this? Does he only do it like you describe, on the couch, or is he peeing in other places in the house? If he is house trained, and has just started doing this, I would suggest a trip to the vet to check for a urinary tract infection (UTI). Peeing that suddenly, and that much, without warning sounds like a bladder problem. If he doesn't have a UTI, and has already been house trained but is now peeing in the house too, you will probably have to begin training him all over again. The first thing is to get a good enzyme cleaner and thoroughly clean the couch. I would make the couch "off-limits" for Otis until this is resolved, and restrict him to an area in the house where you can keep an eye on him.

Jim, Connie, Bailey & Sophie


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Otis is 15 weeks old...and is not house broken. We are trying the confinement, with keeping him pen and only letting him out when we can keep an eye on him. He gets plenty of exercise--takes him for long walk or let him play when we are outside. Not sure if it working. It helps with the messes, but not sure if he understands the concept of why he is confine. He can go outside and pee, and then come in and pee again. He seems healthy and is doesn't show any signs of discomfort. I never had a dog that would pee without warning....thanks Bill

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sounds like it is time to get systematic about otis' house-training. the puppies have to not only mentally learn where it is acceptable to pee or poop, but also need to train their muscles so that they can actually practice what they learn is right. like any baby, otis seems to be peeing when he is relaxed (his sphincter relaxes when he does). house-training is about getting getting those muscles developed.

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We have a dog that was a "nervous pee" type as a puppy--when she got excited, she peed. This was especially the case when someone came to the door and it was worse with some people--for instance, my older daughter made her really go and still does.

She has, a four years old, grown out of the problem for the most part but still can let loose under the right circumstances.

If inability to control during exciting moments is your dog's problem, I would suggest patience--they do grow out of it. If he is peeing under situations that are normal--just being held, then there may be a physical reason for the behavior that needs to be addressed by the vet--I would think uncontrolled urination while peaceable is not normal.

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