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The simplest thing is to link it wherever it's hosted. (youtube, flickr, photobucket, etc.)

Here's how to make a link.

1. Type some text you want to use to link to your movie. For example: Check out my movie. In this example, you want "my movie" to link to ... your movie.

2. Highlight "my movie" in the message text and then click the make-a-link button rte-link-button.png. In the window that pops up, paste the URL (web address) of your movie. The URL will look something like this: http://www.your-image-host.com/something/something/movie.flv (other file extensions besides flv are possible - that's just a common one). Click OK.

Your text should then look like the following, with "my movie" linking to your movie: Check out my movie.

Note that in this example the URL is made-up, so there is not really a movie - it's just a fake link. (My workplace blocks most photo/movie hosting sites so I can't use a real movie and verify the link.)

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