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Just a dog


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Just a Dog

From time to time people tell me "Lighten up, it's just a dog," or "That's a lot of money for just a dog."

They don't understand the distance traveled, time spent, or costs involved for "Just a dog."

Some of my proudest moments have come about with "Just a dog."

Many hours have passed with my only companion being "Just a dog," and not once have I felt slighted.

Some of my saddest moments were brought about by "Just a dog."

In those days of darkness, the gentle touch of "Just a dog" provided comfort and purpose to overcome the day.

If you, too, think its "Just a dog," you will probably understand the phrases like "Just a friend," "Just a sunrise," or "Just a promise."

"Just a dog" brings into my life the very essence of friendship, trust and pure unbridled joy.

"Just a dog" brings out the compassion and patience that make me a better person.

Because of "Just a dog," I will rise early, take long walks and look lovingly to the future.

For me and folks like me, it's not "Just a dog."

It's an embodiment of all the hopes and dreams of the future, the fond memories of the past, and the pure joy of the moment.

"Just a dog" brings out what's good in me and diverts my thoughts away from myself and the worries of the day.

I hope the someday people can understand that it's not "Just a dog."

It's the thing that give me humanity and keeps me from being "Just a man or woman."

So the next time you hear the phrase "Just a dog," smile, because "They just don't understand."

Rhonda,Kramer & Angel Missy "Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog". "It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are" Missy Rainbow Bridge Memorial

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That is lovely. Thank you for posting that.

I have copied and sent it to my doggie loving friends.


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That really sums it up pretty well. Thank you for posting it.

I'm a widower and it's just me and Renny at home. He is a very important part of my life. I'm sure that friends and relatives think I devote too much time and energy to Renny. After all he's "just a dog".

But, "just a dog" has been a big factor in my almost full recovery from a serious heart problem a few years ago. After all walking "just a dog" isn't exercise, right?

I could easily become a couch potato in front of the TV set. But "just a dog" makes sure I don't, because "just a dog" brings the ball to toss, or the rawhide bone for a good game of tug of war. If I'm not playing hard enough, "just a dog" will hide his toys or push them under the furniture and fuss 'til I get up and find them for him.

If I'm having an off day, "just a dog" will stay close and comfort me in his own special way.

They say a good laugh is a healthy thing. "Just a dog" does something to crack me up at least once a day.

I could go on, but you get the idea.

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I think my best "Just a dog" moment is when I have had a horrible day at work (and there have been ALOT lately) and they greet me at the door like I've been gone for a year. It just seems to make all the hours of stress and frustration melt away in a few minutes :)

If you want the best seat in the house, move the dog.

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