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True therapy dog...


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I have found something out about my Maxwell ( 1 1/2 yrs) this week and I am truly amazed. We have had a bad string of luck in our household lately from my husband severely cutting part of his thumb off in a woodworking machine to me being hospitalized for 4 days with a cronic muscle strain in my lower back.

I can't help but notice how Max has been reacting to everything. He fiirst layed by my husband when it first happened to him and now lays by my side all the time. I can't believe how emotional he is...it almost breaks my heart. He was scared of my walker at first but now he walks with me from room to room. He licks my feet from behind as I try to walk with my walker and everytime I look into his beatuiful brown eyes he shows great concern. I believe he is actually trying to help me walk by nudging me with his cold little nose. When my pain increases and I moan out of pure discomfort his little ears go back and he once again licks me like crazy and does comical things until I laugh. He is my little hero right now, a true therapy dog without the training. He curls up on my arm when I sleep and just watches me as if making sure I am ok.

Earlier today I looked down at the foot of the bed to see him snuggled against my leg on his back with all 4's in the air. Not to mention he had brought to bed with him his favorite bone, stuffed duck, squeeky crab and stuffed cow. How can you not love that? :D NO matter how much pain I am in...just having him around makes it a little less.

Just wanted to share.



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Thank you for sharing. How sweet of Maxwell. :wub: I truly believe their abilities to read us and our emotional state is beyond comprehension. To borrow a tagline from a Dobie person I used to love to read:

"Our dogs. May we deserve them."

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Hi! You are so right about these wonderful little dogs!!! A few weeks back I was having a particularly rough day and sat down to have a good cry. My dog came to me and stood on his tiptoes to lick my face. He then lay down beside me and stayed there until I moved - - giving me a multitude of kisses. Sure made my day a bit brighter!!!

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What a treat to read these great stories. I'll add on to the pack.

A few weeks ago my mom had catherization and she came home the same day. I had looked over at my mom who was sitting on the edge of the sofa with a newspaper on the coffee table. I couldn't tell if she was asleep by the way her head was hanging down or if she was reading. My heart stopped for a second or two because I started to think "OMG, is she dead?"

Scully was sitting on my lap and all of a sudden sat up and stared over at my mom. Normally, being the :devil: cairn she is, she's usually runs like h*** and jumps on you if you're on the chair. She quietly gone down off my lap, went over to the sofa, and ever so softly jumped up onto the sofa, sat down right next to my mom and licked her hand. Once my mom opened her eyes and moved, Scully guietly got down and went on her way.

They are truly amazing!

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Guest Guest

what lovely tales to tell!our dog Charlie is a super little trooper & happiest when all the family is together!

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Guest Christy

Must get some rest now but am enjoying the reading. I just lost my personal "therapy" dog, Tessa, after an incredible 16 years and 2 months. She was the little love of my life, and I'm missing her terribly. Someday I'll have another cairn terrier, because to be without one.... I've never know a dog that was so feisty, tough, yet incredibly sweet. She never failed to put a smile on my face - maybe it was that always "smiling" face of hers! She entertained our family with her constant antics. She would chase a ball for hours, retrieving til she dropped, and could play tug of war with the very best. She loved children, and I have some delightful pictures of her with my daughter when she (and my daughter!) were young. My daughter nicknamed her "white lightening" because of the way she would streak through the house, often running at such breakneck speeds that she body slammed into doors and walls. And even though she adored chasing my cats just for the shear pleasure of it, she also loved them and would sleep side-by-side with them. She could dig her own personal garden in my yard and kept my old lab retriever in shape by "running" her up and down the fence line. We'd tell her not too...but...she'd give us that smile of hers and off she'd go. In old age she lost her hearing and started having seizures, but kidney failure finally took her from us. She was a truly beloved pet, was everything anyone could want in a dog (and so much more). For anyone who owns a cairn, you are truly blessed. Enjoy the years!!!

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Christy, I'm sorry for the loss of Tessa. I had a Cairn for 14 years, Ginger, who I was just brokenhearted when I lost her. It took 7 years before I got Scully. The love they give just overshadows their :devil: moments. Take care!

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Hi Christy:

I am so sorry for the loss of your Tessa. I have to admit I get a few tears every time I even think that the boys are getting a little older.

On the therapy dog issue. I get very bad migraines sometimes and the boys automatically come to my side when I am lying down. Actually one of the cats lies on my chest and purrs so I guess I am lucky to have such loving pets. I never want to be without a cairn or a cat.

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