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confused about cairn diet talk in forum


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Our adopted 4 year old appeared quite overweight to me at 17.5 pounds. I read somewhere??? that 1 cup of food was plenty for a cairn per day. He acts like he's starving, and getting aggressive with our other dog that eats slower. I am feeding them Iam's. I want him to be a healthy weight. In the forum there is a lot of table food talk (meat, broccoli etc.). Are dogs really supposed to eat like that?

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I have an overweight 10 year old Cairn too. I feed her 1/2 C Hills Science Diet/Light dry mixed with a couple tablespoons canned (the light) in the AM and about 1/2 dry in the PM. Maybe a couple treats, carrots during the day. Best bet would be to check with your vet. Mine recommended the Hills.

I read some disturbing articles about Iams...Don't know how true they are but it was something to think about.


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Hi! My Cairn just turned a year old and is on the light side. I feed him a cup of dry dog food per day and supplement that with some diced cooked chicken and veggies. I feed him in the morning and also late afternoon. He loves broccoli and green beans, potatoes and turnips. I think the twice a day feeding seems to help in warding off the hunger. He weighs in at around 14 pounds - - wouldn't mind fattening him up a little - - he was a sick pup - - born with a liver shunt - - but is pretty healthy now!

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Thank you both. I will try the veggies and meat to suppliment, and discontinue Iams.

This dog is distinctly different from our other two. It is nice to communicate with people that understand and can give specific advice about a breed. I trust my vet, but i believe experience is the best teacher.

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