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Opinionated cairn


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A couple of days ago, my friend met my dog. It was obvious the two did not hit it off. I was mortified and embarrassed when he growled at her. And I was sad and angry when she suggested I buy him a muzzle.

I returned home thinking I had an incorrigible pup on my hands. But afterwards strangers were complimenting us on his behavior. And strangers' children wanted to pet him (but I said no.)

I have just changed my strategy. Instead of always using positive reinforcement, I am saying "NO!" to him for bad behavior like it says in the training books.

On the positive side, he loves to go riding and never barks at (or chases) cars

(with the exception of the traveling carnival roller coaster that came into town today.)

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My new gruff exterior seems to be working. Wes barks less at other people and they like him now. My friend has not come around since, and I wonder if his attitude toward her would still be the same.

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If this was not the pups usual conduct-I would wonder if he sensed something; like maybe your friend doesn't like dogs. Animals are said to have a sixth-sense. Just an idea.


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Hi Sally,

I would wonder the same thing.........because Abe loves everyone very much! Too much, lol, in fact, since he thinks he has permission to literally love everyone to pieces that he meets!

However, there has been one person passing our car that he didn't like, it quite startled me! I found out later this young lady has a reputation for not being very nice, so I thought 'way to go Abe' Then there was a man on TV that set him off........never seemed to even notice the television before, but this mans voice or something set him off!

I wouldn't worry too much, just watch his behavior and interaction closely for a while.

Good luck


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I've found with Sam that he is alot better behaved (in all aspects) when I'm spending time training him. We have gone through 2 classes and we are going to start a third soon, with hopes to earn the CGC and then go onto agility and/or earthdog.

Training your pup is a great way to build a relationship with them and build thier confidence.

One other advantage is that you can pull there attention away by asking them to do something.

I hope that helps anyone out there


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Good idea, Jodie. I will check into other classes.

Mom of Abe,

about "loving everyone too much,"-- that's how Wes was at the Vet's. It's not easy to examine a dog with his tongue in your ear.

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Let me know how your pup does on the CGC Rebel went through 4 total training classes and when it came time for the CGC he showed me who was in charge. He has taken it 3 times :devil: he can do all the things but chooses not to.

He is the best dog we have ever had and I think 50 % of that is because of the classes and the other half the breed.

It is kind of funny, if he wants to sit on your lap he will-- otherwise he sits on the other end of the love seat. He is a very independent dog and has never been jealous. He will go for a walk with anyone and I when I leave the room if someone else is there and he can get their attention he is perfectly content.

One love he does have is his little soft frisbee. He will bring it in at night and hide it in his crate until the morning. We were playing at a park and a guy picked it up and threw it and Rebel looked at him and came and sat by me. When I got the frisbee his tail wagged and he chased it. The guy had been watching some of the kids in park and one of the mother's asked if I knew him....I didn't. Got to wonder if maybe Rebel could sense something.


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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  • 2 weeks later...

I always let Murphy sniff people when they come in the house so that when and if

they come back, he'll know they have been here before. However, I never hug anybody he is not sure of. He even jumps and barks when my wife and I hug each other. We discovered that he feels left out and wants to be with us "UP THERE" too. so I pick him up and he gives both of us a lick then I put him down. They, I

don't know who THEY are so don't ask, they say "A dog is the perfect judge of character" so if you dog sniffs someones hand and licks it their OK. However, if

he starts to growl, I wouldn't have them over to the house for a while, go to their place and leave the dog at home.

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