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good citizen canine classes


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Greetings all! My husband and I live with Cooper the cairn who is just shy of nine months old. As it is only me with him most the time (husband is out of town during the week), I have decided to enroll us in dog school. I came across a good citizen canine class that begins this coming Tuesday, and plan on signing up for it later this afternoon. As this is a bit pricier than others, can anyone tell me if you have taken this class and what you thought of it? When we had our westies, we took a different dog class with them, but the person who taught that no longer teaches them.

Basically, want I want him to learn is not to jump up on our grandaughters who are ages three years old and seven months old. I'd also like him not to pester others too much when meeting and greeting them. From what I've read, this course does all that.

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!



Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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Let me know if the class helps with the jumping on the grandkids. My Holly is 65 months old and absolutely mauls my 14 month old granddaughter so we keep them separated. Kate

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I have the same problem with Madison, 6 months and also with Winnie, who's 10 and extremely well-behaved. They listen and take orders/requests quite well when it's just us but come visitors, a completely different story. They both can get out of control with their jumping, and running and barking. UGH... :shock:

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I took Rebel through about 9 months of classes and he doesn't jump up and has learned to sit if he wants to be petted by a stranger or us. He will sit-stay and is the best behaved dog we have ever had. But his terrier side has come out he has taken the CCG three times each time there is something he wouldn't do, first time he would not let them touch his feet and ears. next time it was sit stay then this last time like the others he had passed everything had one more to go an easy one walking on a leash and he decided to just sit and would not budge so we do not have have a Canine Good Citizen but thats ok he is still the best!! and the classes helped very much. As for jumping I know it is hard but when Rebel would do it we never paid him any attention he had to do something like sit or down and we praised him and gave him cookies. He is really smart and caught on fast sitting gets him outside, cookies, and loving. Good Luck the class is a great idea


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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