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Tail droping


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Hello: I am new here and need some help. Does anyone have any suggestions for how to keep a tail up? My little girl holds it up sometimes (when she wants to) but not all the time. When the judge looks at her she drops it.

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How old are they?

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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My female is 9 months and my male is 17 months. My male's problem is that he doesn't want to be in the ring and looks for a way out. He only started that a couple of months ago, so I am going to just let him stay home for a while, but my female is so nice and loves to show, she just drops her tail.

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I would try this - put dog on grooming table with head in harness. Raise tail up with your hand saying "tail up" and at the same time offer one of his favorite treats with lots of praise. Keep repeating until he "gets it". In the show ring when tail starts to go down say "tail up" and give treat or fake giving treat. Might take some work, but I believe will be successful - good luck

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Thanks Abby's Dad, I am willing to try anything. I have heard nothing but praise for her from other Cairn owners so I really do want to overcome this problem.

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