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Theories On Odd Habits


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Being new to this forum, I've seen a number of topics here regarding behavioral aspects, like taking a fancy to #2, or incessant licking, or other things.

Dudley, our 10 month old Cairn, has and is going through some of these issues, including issues with excrement, and licking the floor, especially in the kitchen. he seems to be outgrowing the #2 issues, but he still enjoys a thorough floor-licking.

Why would he do this?? Some possibilities:

A. To avoid punishment - Since we would verbally punish him when he had an accident during housebreaking (of which he had a few), I thought that he might be equating elimination in general with punishment. Therefore, he'll consume it so we won't know he did anything. With 2-3 accidents he had in the house when he was 4-6 months old, he seemed to have eaten most of it. (In one case, he even somehow shoved it under the couch!!). Now, with the absence of accidents, he periodically will eat it from the yard outside, even sometimes while I am out in the yard with him. Is he trying to hide it from me?

B. They are clean freaks - Seems far-fetched, but is it possible? Dudley seems to be a much cleaner dog than any dog I had growing up, or known in general. He has rarely gotten himself extremely dirty, will "clean up after himself" (see A.) will lick the floor completely clean of any remnants, up to a point of being weird or having to tell him to stop.

C. Something inherent in the breed - Do other terrier breed, especially closely related ones, like Scotties, Yorkies, and the like experience this?? Something to do with being bred to chase vermin??

D. Don't worry, he's just a puppy! - For those who think I am overthinking this.

Interested to hear any other opinions or thoughts!

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Interesting to hear about your dog constantly licking the floor! I have a 13 year old Cairn terrier that often would just lick and lick and lick the floor to death! I have gotten after him to no avail. Now I just let him lick the floor. He also licks his paws constantly. I wonder if this is common among Cairns?

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