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Sudden Death of my 6-year-old Cairn Terrier

King's Dad

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Dear King's Dad, My heart goes out to you and your wife as I can't imagine the pain you must be in. We here on the forum have alot of empathy for our fellow Cairn owners and can't help but feel sad when one loses their best friend. My thoughts and prayers are w/ you during this mourning time.

Lighting a candle in honor of King.


<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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So very sorry to hear of the passing of your King. It sure sounds like his life, although too short, was a life filled with love. Another cairn can never replace him but will most definitely ease your sorrow.

Jetersmom(and Bernie's)

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I am very sorry to hear about your loss. Losing a companion is never easy, and i'll keep your family in my thoughts.

Tracy, Bratt & Mett

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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I am so very sorry. My heart goes out to you and your family. I hope you find comfort with the thought that you gave King a wonderful life and although it was cut short, you will meet again. You will be in my prayers.

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King's dad, I haven't been on here for some time but I just want to pass on my heart felt condolences to you and your wife. I too have deep feelings for my dog Murphy and I can't imagine how you felt. I haven't heard of Cairns having heart attacks but that's what I think it sounds like.

To be there when he passed away may have been a comfort to him. THese little dogs at times can be a handfull as you know but I don't look forward to the day when our little friend passes away.

He and our 21 month old daughter as best friends even when she pulls his fur and taunts him. Our daughter has Down syndrome and I think Murphy has been a great help to her getting around, as she has just started to crawl and find where Murphy is.

Again please except our heart felt condolences and good luck finding another pooch . :D

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My sincerest condolences to you and your wife over the loss of your cairn. Sudden unexpected death is always shocking. With people if this happens an autopsy is usually done. I wonder if this option was discussed with you by your vet. However long we have our pets its never easy to let go. My thoughts and prayers go out to you.

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Thank you again for everyone writing their condolences and expressing your support. It really does help and the stories about your dogs are good also. If anyone knows of a good breeder in the Utica, NY area please let me know.

King's Dad

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  • 4 years later...

King's Dad,

I realize the age of this post, but wanted to share that my wife and I have lost our 6 year old wheaten, AKC cairn as of yesterday. I found this thread looking too see if there were any other cairn owners who have suffered from the premature loss of such a beautiful breed of dog.

Our Emma has been healthy with no symptoms or issues. Yesterday my wife heard our Emma barking at people walking by the front of our house as she would from the window. A few minutes later my wife went to the front room to check on her and found her lying on her side. She looked asleep as she often did sleeping on the floor in that room. Unfortunately when my wife called to her she realized she was dead. My wife and I are devastated as we do not have kids and this was our first dog as husband and wife.

Several weeks ago, Emma appeared to have a UTI and had both blood tests and a urinalysis. The blood test came back negative, but our vet mentioned her urine came back extremely diluted. He put Emma on an antibiotic and her frequent urination cleared up within a day or so. This was about one month ago.

We have opted not to have an autopsy done, which may or may not be the right thing to do, but couldn't stand the thought of pursuing this further. I was searching on line to see if this had happened to anyone else's cairn and happened across this site.

Having hoped our Emma would live longer than six years, we are devastated and shocked. I certainly understand your pain first hand. My thoughts and prayers go out to other cairn owners who've had to endure this terrible loss.


Edited by bmerikson
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Idaho Cairns

I sure don't have any suggestions--Cairns are generally a hardy, long lived breed of dogs. I cannot imagine what might cause a sudden death in a young dog like yours surely was. I would be inclined to suspect an outside causation, like ingesting something toxic, perhaps the heat? I know you must be devastated, your Emma looks like such a lovely little lady. Sorry to be so incapable of providing an answer when an answer is what you crave.

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I am so sorry for the loss of your dog. I am not sure as to what happened to King but I can relate. Last November, my perfectly healthy Cairn began having seizures. All tests showed negative for tumor, etcc.. He died and it was the worst day of my life. I understand your frustration. Just remember he had the best 6 years of his life with you. We ended up getting another Cairn-which really helped my daughter. Ivy's mom

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This is simply terrible for you. Like King's Dad, you had no opportunity to prepare yourself for the loss of Emma, and it always hurts when a vital young loved one is stolen away. Unfortunately sudden, unexplained death (nearly always due to unpredictable heart problems) are a risk to all. They happen rarely (and are no special danger to cairns), but are always unfair. Please don't let it interfere with your ability to give love to another dog who may come your way. Emma would want you to give to another all the love you had stored up for her.

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My dachshund, Daisy, had a heart murmur. She was my little buddy growing up. She came into my life when I was 12 years old. I lost her when she was 13 and Ripley is the first dog I've owned since. She had a gastrointestinal illness that would normally be no big deal, but was a big strain on her heart. I know how hard it can be to lose your little friend. Especially when she was the picture of health only a day before. And I'm sorry you didn't get to enjoy her company as long as I enjoyed my Daisy's, but I hope that one day you will be able to look back on her and smile at the happiness she brought you.

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Nothing we can say can ease the pain of losing King and Emma, so much harder because it was unexpected and they were in the prime of their lives. Of course it's impossible to tell what the causes might have been, but renal dysplasia is listed as being a health concern for cairns - http://www.cairnterrier.org/health#Renal%20Dysplasia. I could be wrong, but I think there's a possibility that this might not be detected or even cause symptoms until the damage is done, depending on the severity and nature of the malformation of the kidney or kidneys. So this could be a possibility.

Another possibility, although extremely rare, is a stroke caused by an asymptomatic urinary tract infection. We took a cairn into rescue that had a stroke because of this. She was showing NO symptoms of a UTI. When she had the stroke, she was rushed to Angell Memorial in Boston, where an MRI confirmed the stroke and tests showed a severe urinary tract infection. The vets said the UTI had become septic and caused the stroke (I have copies of the complete vet records). I have a friend (human)who had a heart attack because of an asymptomatic UTI that had become septic (fortunately, both the dog and my friend recovered completely).

My other thought would be possibly an undetected liver shunt - http://www.cairnterrier.org/health#PVSA. Most dogs with liver shunts do show symptoms, but there are cases where they do not. There have also been cases of dogs (not cairns in particular) that have had hydrocephalus (water on the brain) that hasn't been detected until testing was being done for something else.

I believe cats can throw clots and pass away suddenly, but one of my vets told me that it's not common for dogs to die of strokes or heart attacks (absent something like congestive heart failure, usually in an older dog). I guess the lesson is that there are no guarantees. It sounds like both of you treasured each moment with King and Emma. Their lives were full but all too short.

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Oh I am so sad for you and King. I recently lost my 4 y/o . I share your pain. Too many possibilities, a stroke, a heart attack. Who knows and how important is that right now. I killed myself with grief wondering would have should have coudl have when I lost Sparky. What i did do, is get another Cairn. My family is full of dog lovers. We believe that every one grieves differently, but if you are able to deal with your grief and add another puppy to love, it makes the process easier and you have added a blessing to your family. Remember to always look up and you will see King in Heaven looking down at you and at peace. Prayers with you, King and all of my huge Cairn family

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My heart aches for you. Take some comfort that all of us on this site share your grief. Loosing a best friend is like a part of your soul being taken away from you. Having an aging best pal (Jock) it really hits home how attached we are to these four legged wonders.

I wonder if there was a chance that he could have gotten into something like mouse bait, slug bait or some other substance that caused this sudden death?

Take comfort in that for the time you had with him, it sounds like he has a wonderful life. :candle:

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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I am so very sorry your beloved Emma passed away. I cannot begin to imagine how heavy your hearts must be with such a sudden and unexpected loss. I will be keep you in my thoughts and prayers as you miss your beautiful little girl.



P.S. If you feel you need some extra support from a kind and compassionate online community, petloss.com was very helpful when I lost my two elderly pups in 2008.

Edited by BetsyNoodle
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Oh wow, this is sad. The suddeness of it is just so odd, and yet it happens to many pets and people I am sure. King's Dad's story made me sad and Emma's made me shocked that it happen again, same age. And there are the other stories of sudden death or illness related in this thread making me feel a bit upset tonight reading all this. I am going to give my pups an extra squeeze tomorrow.

I am so sorry for the loss of these dogs, and the unexpected way it took place :( It's times like these that places like this make a big difference in a person's life.

I became a dog person AFTER I got my dog.


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I truly feel your pain and am so sorry for the loss of your beloved, King. I am suspect when it comes to vaccinations - - some dogs - - (as well as humans) can have severe reactions to them. My vet believes my dog, Riley was affected by the vaccinations he had and that this hastened his untimely death. May you find comfort in the joy King brought you for six years - - God Bless!

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To Emma's family - - I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved Emma - - these little ones just capture our hearts and don't let go. May time and wonderful memories help to heal the pain you are suffering today. God Bless!

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