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Neutering Cairn

Guest KAW

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My husband and I are discussing getting our 6 mo old male Cairn neutered.

From what our vet said, I thought it would be the best thing to do. We don't plan on breeding him. My husband says he has read the neutering a dog changes the dog's personality and he is very against it. Are there any good resources available that might help us decide? We'd appreciate any advice you might be able to provide.

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Speaking from a males point of view, I can understand your husbands reluctance to have his little friend "snipped". It is a man thing I guess. :shock: I had a Llasa snipped and he showed no signs of a changed personalitty. He was actually the best dog I ever had. We will be getting our Carin neutered as soon as he is old enough, but I will make my wife take him for the procedure. I wont be able to look at him as we drive to the vet. Again, I think it is just a "man thing".

Sorry I could not give you any links to resources but I'm sure someone on this forum will be more than glad to point you in the right direction. Good luck. :thumbsup:

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We had Abe fixed almost a month ago After the soreness and meds wore off I can't tell any difference in his personality . He is still the same little ball of neverending energy,and still walks around the house like could whip the whole world. I also made My wife take Abe for the appointment but I did go and pick him up that afternoon.

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Hi! I had Riley neutered at about 7 months of age - - if his personality changed at all it was very subtle - - he actually became a better lil dog. He seemed to mellow a little more and was not as hyper - - also he listened to me better. This could all be because he was getting older but the one thing I noticed the most is that most of the "marking" stopped! Riley was at Cornell University at the time for another thing altogether but the vets there definitely recommended having him neutered. I have never regretted having it done - - hope Riley hasn't either!!!!!

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Drew, our now 7 month old Cairn, had his dew claws removed, cast on his broken leg changed and was neutered all in one day! All I can say is that with all that was going on he hardly noticed the neutering. Changed? Ha! He is just as ornery, independent, narcissistic and his own man. Luckily he never got a chance to mark anything because he couldn't lift his leg. He still ignores every command (or should I say, plea?). We may have missed the boat with obedience training since he was in a cast during the more formative months, but I hope that is not true since he is still a baby. But oh, what a baby! My sister's fox terrier lifted his leg on everything in every house he visited - an unwelcome visitor to be sure. And my husband and I both brought him to the hospital for the procedures - I like to think he is an enlightened male. :wub:

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Nicky our Cairn was neutered when he started marking everything insdie and out, or tried to mark everything in the house. That did it. Wasn't going to have hin neutered but ended up having it done. He is still the same little Nicky he always was. I had other male dogs and they did not mark like Nick did. They are sore for a day or sore. It hurt us more then him I think. It was like having a kid operated on. I was really strung out.

Posey :(

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I agree with everyone else that Cody barely changed after his procedure. The worst part was watching him walk around bumping into things for a week with that stupid looking cone collar on (yes, he was a "licker" :lol: ).

I have yet to come across anyone who could prove that it was bad for a dog to be nuetered but I am sure there are some out there just like the people that say that it is bad for a child to be immunized :huh: .

I would rather be comfortable with knowing that there are enough dogs out there without homes and I for one don't want to contribute to the problem.

Just make sure your pup takes it easy for a week or two after the procedure as our vet used sutures rather than stitches and you will not be able to see him bleed as they are on the inside in contrast to stitches.

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Well just as everyone has already stated, there was only good changes after we had Maxwell neutered at 7 months of age. He started marking inside the house around 6 months of age which is nearly impossible to stop. I was so terrified to have him neutered I made an appointment and then cancelled it the morning of. Instead I bought the wraps to go around him so it would catch any urine if he tried lifting his leg. Well things have a funny way of working themselves out because 2 weeks later the little fart swallowed a quarter and we had to do emergency surgery on him. Sooooo I told the vet to take care of everything as long as he was going to have to be put under. I am so thankful we did because he has never marked in the house again and he recovered without us even noticing he had been fixed.

His personality has NOT mellowed at all. He is still the sweetest little lover (absolutely no protective instinct) and will do his daily comical lapping the house episodes knocking over everything in his way.

Good Luck



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  • 2 weeks later...

I just one week ago had my 6 month old Cairn spayed. Up until that time she was doing real well with the housebreaking. Maybe one accident a week. Since her procedure she has probably had 2 to 3 accidents a day. I realize she may still be a little sore down there so I'm trying to be patient. Everything else seems to be fine -- her energy level is back to it's old level if not even greater.

But I was wondering if this was a common side effect of the surgery. I've called the vet but he's not responded yet.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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Hi! Funny you should mention the frequency of accidents after the operation - - my Riley had many incidents where he forgot all about doing his business outside. He also was operated on for a liver shunt - - - - - - It took him a little while but I can say that at 9 months of age he is finally housebroken!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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