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Tips when Registering


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When you register, an email is sent to the address you used to register with. This is done to validate the email address as real. You will not be able to post to the board until you click on the link in that validation email. Once that is done, you will be able to log in and post.

"I did not get my validation email."

The validation email is sent by the system and is normally sent instantly. Typically, the email arrives within minutes. HOWEVER, email is NOT an instant medium and it CAN take up to HOURS to receive an automatic email. Wait a couple hours before giving up.

Many ISPs and mail programs attempt to identify spam messages using various schemes. Because the validation email is sent automatically by software, some programs might identify your validation email as spam. Look for it in your Junk mail or spam folder - it might be in there.

Perhaps you accidentally deleted your validation email. You can ask the system to send you another one by visiting the front page of the forum. Scroll down the page a bit and you will find a link called "Resend validation email." Click that link to have the system do just what it says.

If you made a typo when providing your email address during registration, the validation email will be sent to the (wrong) address provided. If you've waited a couple hours and also followed the steps above, then it's likely your email address was wrongly entered. Simply register again.

"My validation link didn't work."

Because weeding out spam and 'bot' registrations takes a ton of administrative time, new registrations that aren't validated within 3 days are automatically deleted. If it's been more than three days since you registered, you won't be able to complete the registration, even if you DO find your validation email.

The URL (address) in the validation link will be very long. If your email program is one that breaks the link into pieces, clicking on the link may only include part of the necessary address - in this case, cut and paste the entire URL into your web browser address bar.

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