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ED Question


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Hi All - I would love to get some feedback from those of you already involved with Earth Dog trials. I am planning on attending our first practice event this upcoming Sunday with my 1-year old male, Charley.

I have been thinking that this would be a really great activity to get him involved with as we are "city cairn folk," and I thought Earth Dog would be a great way for him to get his "instinct release." :thumbsup: When given the opportunity - he's a ferocious digger, and on more that one occasion I have almost lost my arm when a squirrel has been spotted across Boston Common..... :whistle:

Anyways - I was wondering what the effects of introducing him to Quarry & ED Trials would have on his regular obedience training? (we've been in classes for about 8 months now). I have spoken to our trainer about this and she thinks it's a good activity for him, however, she's more involved with obedience trails than earthdog, and her main feedback to me was that it will increase his prey drive, which I assumed anyways. To put this another way, I'm wondering if ED trials has had an adverse effect on Obedience training? Is it difficult to control behavior to the appropriate setting...? Will I be setting us back with his "Leave it" and "No" commands by encouraging him to track a rat, or venture off on his own down a tunnel...?

I'm just trying to "meld" these two apparently opposite activities in my mind....and most of all, don't want to confuse him :confused:

Thanks much :D


We've done both at the same time, no problem. Lots of people do both. Those with lots of time on their hands also sometimes throw agility and rally into the mix. All require teamwork and involve your dog learning 'the rules' for each event. Your dog is smart. He can do it.

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Thanks Brad :thumbsup: I figured as much - I'm really looking forward to getting started....I think it's going to be great fun and Charley will have a blast :devil:

They're smart little guys...he'll probably get the hang of he rules faster than me anyways... :whistle:


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