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Versatility/Performance award


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This topic can hopefully be answered by Brad..I just started getting the CTCA's publication..they sent me a back issue (incidentally this is an excellent magazine..I urge any Cairn owner to subscribe..even if you are not a breeder or own a show dog, its really interesting) I read Karen Majka's article on Rally and there was referece to the CTCA's Versatility and performance awards. I would like to know more about these. Incidentally Brad if you know Karen's email I would love to compare notes with her..she and I own Cairns from the same lines..

Kris Papas


CTCA members (all owners and co-owners must be CTCA members at the time each title is earned) can apply for a verstality award for any dog earning an AKC breed championship (CH) as well as one title in two of the following AKC performance areas: Agility, Earthdog, Obedience (including Rally) or Tracking.

Karen's email sent by PM.

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