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Leaky bladder when excited (Tigger again)


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Hi, well, our bed wetter has another issue that is really frustrating, and after reading all of the postings that would seem to be remotely related, I found none. So, how do we stop the drizzle when he gets excited? We hoped that would stop after he was neutered, nope. I have noticed that he drops his ears and looks timid whenever he gets excited too!

Years ago, we had a Brittany spaniel with this problem, and someone recommended obedience training because she was a timid dog by nature, we tried it, and voila! We lived in a different part of our state then, and around here I have not been able to find anyone that has a clue about training Cairns, including our Vet. In all other ways, I would not classify Tigger as timid at all, as a matter of fact, his big brothe is a huge German Shepard, and Tigger rules the roost, yet this Shepard would tear anyone walking through our door apart. He just looks at Tigger, then looks at us with an expression as if to say "Awh gee, can't I just eat him and get it over with?" We tell him no, and he lays down to let Tigger continue chewing on him and beating on him. Well, all suggestions are appreciated. Thanks, it's nice to read all of your stories. I guess I have been quite lucky with our little guy, I agree with all of the rest of you, these dogs are not quite like any other dog.


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I suspect the solution is not so much stopping the urination, as reducing the level of excitement that causes it. Here is an interesting article that talks about both the excitement issue and true submissive urination.


Truly, this usually passes (no pun intended) with time and maturity. It's not uncommon with puppies especially when their favorite people reappear after an absence.

If that's the problem now, work on ignoring Tigger when you expect he might get excited and only casually acknowledge him, perhaps with the toss of a bite-sized treat when you enter the room. Don't let him get worked into a frenzy. Sometimes when I come home from work and all I want to do is love-up all the dogs I have to nonchalantly put the mail on the table, go turn the computer on, and only then casually let them out. This gives the excitable ones a moment or two to calm down. They still get plenty excited, trust me.

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My Nikki had a problem with submissive and excitable peeing too. Ignoring her for a few minutes when I came home and instructing visiters to not acknowledge her when they first arrive really helped. She has pretty much grown out of it. But I notice that sometimes when someone bends over her to pet her when we're walking, she will do a little submissive peeing still. I think it's because they're bending over her, which is intimidating, instead of squating down to her level.


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  • 1 month later...

My 2-year-old Cairn Willie does this. If he doesn't pee on you then he doesn't like you! :wink: I noticed that it is getting better as he is calming down as he gets older.

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