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Cairn siblings fighting

Mary Lynn

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Suddenly my two year old sibling girl cairns had a big fight after they awoke from a nap on my lap for no apparent reason.  I was shocked! It took a lot to separate them,I got bit in the process. They have had 2 or 3 fights previously over food only during the 2 years. They fought and moved on. However, this time they are unable to reunite. I have tried everything and nothing has worked except more immediate fighting over the next 3 days. They are now living separately in the house. I am heartbroken and scared and cried for hours. I'm not sure if one  of them needs to be rehomed or if bringing in a training could help at all.  They use to be the best of buddies playing with toys and playing hide and seek.  Now one dog is crated while the other is out and every couple of hrs I switch them. Help?

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My experience relates to horses, but I think it deserves some “salt”.  Two mares (female horses)will get along and get along, then one day NOT.  Two of the same size, they fought until one was no more.  It was a sad, sad lesson that I never forgot.  Dogs are here to give us joy, obviously not in this situation is anyone happy.  Find a new home for one, heartbreaking as it is, it’s a better outcome.  It is the kindest choice for the girls.  They are who they are.   

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Thank you for your replies.  We are going to work with a trainer and do a 4 week train and board program followed by home visits with the trainer. It is expensive. But we are hoping we can settle things down between our two girls. If after all the training, things show no sign of improvement we will have to rehome one. We have no experience with board and train and working with this extensive of training but hoping for the best. Does anyone else have any experience?


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20 hours ago, Mary Lynn said:

Thank you for your replies.  We are going to work with a trainer and do a 4 week train and board program followed by home visits with the trainer. It is expensive. But we are hoping we can settle things down between our two girls. If after all the training, things show no sign of improvement we will have to rehome one. We have no experience with board and train and working with this extensive of training but hoping for the best. Does anyone else have any experience?


my cairn got into fight with his brother, a shih-tzu. they fought until no more it was really bad and a pain in the butt to break up. we actually got fonzie fixed after and it helped a lot. they didn't fight for years after that. no experience  with trainers though! good luck and ty for sharing/posting here

Edited by Newman
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  • 2 months later...

Spike almost never goes after Bartleby anymore, and never as hard as he used to, I never feel any saliva on Barty's coat, I don't even think Spike is making mouth or tooth contact with him.  Posting on this separately in my own thread on this topic... a lot of us seem to have had some variation of this issue.  They are feisty little guys and gals, for sure!

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Thank you for your reply. Knowing you aren't alone dealing with pup issues seems to help.

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  • 3 months later...

I think you should get a dog trainer for aggressive siblings. They will review the situation, identify causes of conflicts, and direct you to the reintroduction process. At this time, keep them separate so that there will be no more possible situations where the dogs are in conflicts. Finding another home should be the last option you think of, before that you should explore all the other possible options, if possible.

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