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2 yr old Cairn not trained

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Lady Day

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My sister got sick and we had to take her dog.  He's 2 years old and not potty train.  It's been several months now.  We take him out twice a day and so far nothing.  He does his mess anywhere and it's so annoying.  Unfortunately, my sister passed away.  So, now we have 2 dogs and this one is a piece of work.  Can someone give me some advice or suggestion.

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Hi..I am going thru it with a 4 month old. I am having some success but it is work no doubt about it. We take him out every 1/2 hour to hour and say "time for pee pee and he gets a reward for his efforts if he does his thing. I actually set an alarm. He does not get run of the place. We watch him like crazy and he gets crated when we go out. But not for too long. It is work for sure. I am told it will happen and the penny will drop eventually, Cairns are very smart. I would read as much info as you can about house breaking a puppy and go with that.  Good luck.

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I think male terriers are a tough “retrain”.  I would recommend a huge dose of  patience, calmness and the assistance of a belly band.  Sorry about your sister.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you Dogcat lady!  I know I have to have a lot of patience with him.  On top of all this he's also a smart dog.  So, I guess in time he will make mama and papa proud.  Thanks again!

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are things improving a bit I hope?

My new little boy will do his stuff outside. But also... inside too. I don't understand it but we have been doing this for 6 weeks now. Maybe I am expecting too much. 

Good luck to you and I hope things will get better....

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